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fermenting First ferment in awhile

Sizzle Lips

Extreme Member
Its been a long time since i have posted and put together any ferments.....well i have lots of time for my hobby of sauce making and growing now.....after 50 years of sitting in a dozer pushin dirt I have retired and cannot wait for my first ever summer off.
Anyways I put together a small simple ferment of some Habs,and Scotch Bonnets I had frozen from last year.
Added in some red onion,garlic and ginger.
I am using Cutting Edge's starter culture to get it going.
Once fermented and aged a bit I will add other ingredients when It comes time to process and bottle.




Also like using these easy ferment lids.......thanks for looking.
Congratulations on retiring, Sizzle Lips! :party:
I can tell you, firsthand, as a "guy on the ground" (or in the air, as an Ironworker ;) ), us younger guys hate to see the older guys with the most heavy equipment operating experience go! That being said, that's a job that definitely takes a toll on you over time. My stepfather was a crane operator / operating engineer his entire life, and he's had hip replacements and multiple carpal tunnel surgeries. He's enjoying his retirement now too... running an excavator for his brother 2-3 days a week :rolleyes: :rofl: He doesn't know when/how to quit! ;)

Your sauces look/sound great, like usual! Always looking forward to seeing what else you come up with

skullbiker said:
I have used that starter culture and I use those lids, both good choices.[emoji106]
The lids are great not having to worrying about bubblers...and when those cultures kick in ....they work hard and fast.
MikeUSMC said:
Congratulations on retiring, Sizzle Lips! :party:
I can tell you, firsthand, as a "guy on the ground" (or in the air, as an Ironworker ;) ), us younger guys hate to see the older guys with the most heavy equipment operating experience go! That being said, that's a job that definitely takes a toll on you over time. My stepfather was a crane operator / operating engineer his entire life, and he's had hip replacements and multiple carpal tunnel surgeries. He's enjoying his retirement now too... running an excavator for his brother 2-3 days a week :rolleyes: :rofl: He doesn't know when/how to quit! ;)

Your sauces look/sound great, like usual! Always looking forward to seeing what else you come up with

Thanks ,I cant wait to enjoy some nice weather around the yard this year......we have a few old timers getting ready to go soon .....management has been saying how much they really miss all of the experienced operators......just takes a little longer with the less experienced operators but they have to give them a chance in the seat....only way to learn.
They already told me I am welcome to come in the summer if I want some hours.....i dont think that will happen any time soon. :cheers: