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First Sauce of the Fall

About two months ago I started a 2.5% ferment with layers of Reaper, Chocolate Doughah, and Fatalii peppers with chunks of dragon fruit and elephant garlic and shallots. It stopped bubbling a few days ago, so I decided to see how it was going to be.

No nasties. I use the air locks with a pump as well as a glass weight. Most everything stayed submerged, and it was bubbling like crazy in two days time. I love/hate the wait. But, I think it was worth it.

Without any refinement, it was a bit on the bitter side. So, I added some palm sugar, cardamom, Thai ginger and a bit of cider vinegar. Added some sourwood honey. Getting closer, but it still needed something to take it over the top.

That something was 5-year aged black vinegar. That pushed it into one of my better sauces. Its both sweet and tangy and sent my friend straight into the sour cream. Its pretty effin hot.

I havent pH tested it, but with the vinegar I put in there, it should be shelf-stable. Its in the fridge right now, but Im not sure if it needs to be or not. Better safe than sorry. Besides, I didnt cook it, so its still technically alive.
Picked it up at an international grocery. Its popular in China. Youve probably had it and didnt know it. Its often incorporated into dumpling sauces. Its a hard flavor to describe.

I peddled the sauce around to a few bartender friends last night. A chef sitting at the bar bought the woozy bottle for $10. So, I was stoked on that. This sauce has a nice Asian flavor to it, thanks to the black vinegar, cardamom and ginger. One guy put it on his tacos and dug it.