First time caller

Long time listener. Hello from the smoggy 'No! I've been lurking on the forum for close to a year now after getting a crosslink somewheres from THSC. I absolutely love the Growing and Cooking forums and both have been inspiring me to new and interesting experiments. Not the least of which is the big pouch of seeds bought from Neil that I eagerly await germinating for spring. Looking forward to picking the brains of experienced chiliheads. :)

Welcome from Fort Worth
Welcome from Austin Texas.

May Your Soul Rest In Peppers



Hey :welcome: from Clovis. Nice to see another valleyite here. It is definately a wonderful place for cookin and growin and great folks too.
Thanks all for the warm regards :)

And Neil didn't specifically send me. I was a fan of his chile test videos and somewhere in reading up on him and superhot pepper topics, I found a link to here. After a bit more searching, I found that THP is pretty much the best laid out and maintained forum on the subject. Plus the community here seems really warm and friendly. So I was immediately hooked on reading up on everyone's crops and cooking adventures. So you could say that Neil was the fulcrum by which I arrived, but I've never spoken to him personally. But my g/f did get a great reply from him after she pointed him to a blog post I did about my x-mas seed presents from THSC. Seems like an uber sweet guy. I can totally see him being a reverend too. He sorta looks like Father Mulcahey from MASH. :lol:


edit: My reading comprehension skills appear to have utterly failed me! lol So to answer WHAT Neil sent me, rather than DID he...

Bhut Jalokia
Bih Jalokia
Dorset Naga
Trini Scorpion
7pod Jonah
7pod Douglah
Red Savina Hab
Chocolate Hab
Bonda Ma Jaques
Aji Lemon
Nagabon (Naga/Scotch cross)
Plus some of the Pepper Pepper which the missus got me one of them new fangled auto-matic pepper grinders to use with so she doesn't accidentally get burnt. hehehe