for-sale For Sale: AeroGrow Hydroponic Garden

Hi. I am selling one of my 'Classic' 7 plug AeroGrow Hydroponic Garden units. It is about 4 months old. I have a second one that I am growing tomatos and peppers in it. This is the 'big' classic unit. It has the 7 growplug holes. You can buy any of the dozens of preplanted seed kits the AeroGrow company has available. OR buy the 'Master Seed Kit',and plant your hot pepper seeds in it..or any seeds you want. Or use it to germinate your hot pepper seeds! Then put them!! I got some of my Bhuts/Nagas, to sprout in less than 5 days!

With this unit, I am including an unopened seed kit. The 'Gourmet Herb Collection'. A $20 value. It uses only the power of a 65 watt bulb. Not expensive to use at all. I grew a huge planting of petunias all winter in it! I just germinated some of my Bhut and Naga pepper seeds in it. But now I am concentrating on growing them outside in the heat I have here in Ft.Lauderdale. So I am selling this one for $100. It is for a local sale, no shipping. If anyone wants to buy it or has questions. Send me an email and ask any question, or tell me to hold it for you!

No tax, no shipping costs, and it is exactly the same as the $150 unit at the local stores,and online. PLUS I can assure you it works!:)