• If you need help identifying a pepper, disease, or plant issue, please post in Identification.

Garden Salsa and Cajun Belle.. 2 surprises in PepperDaemon's pepper jungle

I'm growing quite a few more peppers this year than last. I think I have about 16 plants, which I know is not many for many of you, but it's a lot for me.
But anyway... two plants have surprised me this year. First, the pepper plant called "Garden Salsa" is the pepper I like most out of my many varieties. It's a nice size, a nice deep green color, and it packs a lot of heat when the plant is stressed. I think that the offical Scoville rating on this pepper is really low, but let me tell you, we had a long string of 90+ days in Seattle (which is very hot for the Pac NW), and this Garden Salsa plant produced a pepper with a heat on par with a Thai pepper.
There PepperDaemon was, munching away on the 5 inch pepper happily in a lawn chair in the middle of his/her/its pepper jungle, thinking "this pepper is suprisingly nice, and it's no hotter than a mild jalapeno...". So I take a big bite and like a pepper heat nuclear reaction in his mouth, it just kept getting hotter, and hotter, and hotter, until soon PepperDaemon was sprinting into his abode (PepperDaemon lives in a Nike shoebox) to get to the milk. (PepperDaemon is a pepper heat lightweight, with a limit at about Serrano level).
But for those of you who like Jalapeno/Serrano heat, I think you would love this Garden Salsa pepper.
Second, the Cajun Belle's I've grown are much hotter than the 1,000 Scoville they are advertised at. I would say they are around 10,000 Scoville so far.. and what's interesting about them is that the burn lasts like 5 minutes, where it would only last a couple of minutes for a Serrano or Jalapeno. I've even heard rumors on a couple of gardening forums that in some cases these Cajun Belles can rival haberneros in heat (this frightens me! fear FEAR!).
So in summary, PepperDaemon offers the following knowledge gained after much trevail in his/her/its pepper jungle:
1. Garden Salsa pepper is an awesome low to medium heat pepper I do not hear discussed much on this forum. You all should try it.
2. When extemely stressed, Garden Salsa pepper can reach Thai Pepper heat levels (50-80,000 Scoville, I would guess).
3. Cajun Belle can be much hotter than its listed official Scoville rating and the burn can last a long time from this little pepper.
PepperDaemon said:
1. Garden Salsa pepper is an awesome low to medium heat pepper I do not hear discussed much on this forum. You all should try it.
Your search for the term "garden salsa" returned 57 results
Tip: Search for a specific phrase by "enclosing it in quotes"
Heckle said:
Your search for the term "garden salsa" returned 57 results
Tip: Search for a specific phrase by "enclosing it in quotes"
I don't think many of those search results actually refer to the Garden Salsa pepper. When I searched through the first few all I found were people who discussed their garden and their salsa. I could be wrong, though, if I looked deeper into the list.
Here's a link: http://bonnieplants.com/product/garden-salsa-hot-pepper/  .
PepperDaemon said:
I don't think many of those search results actually refer to the Garden Salsa pepper. When I searched through the first few all I found were people who discussed their garden and their salsa. I could be wrong, though, if I looked deeper into the list.
Heckle said:
Tip: Search for a specific phrase by "enclosing it in quotes"
My Cajun belle peppers are way hotter than the ones that I grew last year but were definitely stressed a lot more than last years as well. They were pretty nice, I have seen those salsa peppers but have not ever grown any. I don't for see myself now after having found this site buying plants from lowes ...etc. again. Totally will be planting from seeds obtained here any future plants.