• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.


For those who have grown generations of plants, and you are focusing on key factors,which I have not. As the generations progress, when do you start noticing the pod variance being reduced?

How long, generations, until you can get a satisfactory pod consistency. One that when you grow a pepper you can see the shape, texture, color and appearance you are looking for?
It depends. However, you should see diversity shrink around F5. It could be noticeable even earlier than that depending on the cross.They could be stable around F6 and F8. As a rule most breed them out to F8. If you noticed that the plant produced the same pods (very possible in F7), you should grow it out one more time at least to make sure.
You can assume it but I don't know about safely.

The problem with superhots today is people are in too big of a hurry to get the next one out. It's entirely possible the plants they're using to make their hybrid aren't perfectly stable. As an example look at the MadballZ. It's a cross between a Chocolate Bhut Jolokia and a 7 Pot. F1 seeds produce a caramel colored Bhut Jolokia shaped, bumpy pod. One reason that may have led to it's instability is the parent Chocolate Bhut Jolokia. They have only been around for a couple of years, are they stable? I see people crossing things with the Douglah all the time. Is it stable? It's only been around for three, four years? Has it been grown out eight, nine generations?

It takes generations and generations to come up with a stable growing pepper. How long before someone comes out with a XXX crossed with a Carolina Reaper?. A lot of people are concerned that the Reaper may not be stable so how in the world is anything it's crossed with stand a chance of being stable? I'm willing to bet anyone we'll have a claimed to be stable Reaper/XXX cross within two years.
It takes generations and generations to come up with a stable growing pepper. How long before someone comes out with a XXX crossed with a Carolina Reaper?. A lot of people are concerned that the Reaper may not be stable so how in the world is anything it's crossed with stand a chance of being stable? I'm willing to bet anyone we'll have a claimed to be stable Reaper/XXX cross within two years.

Chocolate Reaper. Totally stable, brah.

Consistency through photoshop.

Use it when you sale your unstable hybrids too soon, the buyer will find out 6 months later.
A little off topic here but what here hasn't been lately.
Anyways...talking about generations and consistency ???

If a plant that is F1 is overwintered...

Will the next pods that devolop on this F1 plant still be considered F1 ???