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seeds Germinating Issues

It seems like I'm constantly reading or hearing about other people's issues about getting difficult breeds and varieties of pepper seeds to germinate. I remember those frustrating times and how upset I would get when I spent good money on rare and interesting peppers only to have them either rot or never germinate at all. I carefully studied the factors needed for proper germination and made sure I followed them to the letter. I realize not everyone can go out and buy a germination mat to provide the necessary heat so I came up with a solution to help those people out. We all (hopefully all of us) own a greenhouse. Hmmmmm, I'm sure your wondering where I'm going with this and thinking,"Whats he talking about I don't own a greenhouse." Yes you do. Its your car and its a wonderful greenhouse! Do you remember how hot the insides of a car gets. I mean even in the early spring the inside of a car can get over 90 degrees easily. This is what I do and I have had excellent results. I buy a 50 to 72 celled planting tray and fill it with seed starting mix. Add your seeds and water it(make sure you've pre-soaked). Cover it with a sheet of Saran Wrap and place it on a plastic trash bag in your front seat. You will need a Taylor Outdoor Thermometer to place next to your flat. Now adjust the windows accordingly until you get a reading of about 90 degrees. It takes a little adjusting but you'll get it. I've even gone up to 105 degrees without any problems. At the end of the day when the temp starts to drop, put the flat right into the bag and bring it inside. It will stay warm enough. The next day repeat the procedure. Those babies will germinate I guarantee it!!!! You are mimicking nature. It gets hot during the day and a little cooler at night. Good luck!!!
That seems like a good idea! But, here in bama the inside of my car gets up to temps to the point that I cannot even touch the steering wheel. If I left my plants in my car all day they would be little green puddles of goo... but people that live in the upper states where it stays a little cooler would probably have great success with this!
That seems like a good idea! But, here in bama the inside of my car gets up to temps to the point that I cannot even touch the steering wheel. If I left my plants in my car all day they would be little green puddles of goo... but people that live in the upper states where it stays a little cooler would probably have great success with this!
There are several things to work out it won't apply to everyone. Some people don't have a stay at home mom like me so they cant spare their car. Others like yourself will face temps that are too excessive. For some this will work out fine. I know at least 20 friends who do all their germinating this way. It's an idea that may help some people and that's what my intentions are all about.