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grilling Grilled bacon cheese wings. 'Lawd have mercy!!!

Sorry about the delay! Shiz got all kindsa crazy up in here as my 2 year old went into full meltdown (we're talking Chernobyl) and the rest of the night was shot (after shot after shot of whiskey to find a happy place). They turned out OK. Actually, they were delicious. However, I still preferred fried wings. I like that skin to be nice and crispy. As for the tips being "good eatin", meh. There be no meat on them bones! If you dig eating the bones then yay! Otherwise, as I said, meh.

Aight, enough babble, food porn time.

And for posterity, the cause of so many sleepless nights and f-ed up days! :lol:

SQ, when last my mom visited she brought me an almost brand new propane burner with an 8 gallon pot. Used only once to boil water. Just so happens I also have a basket that fits. Great for dropping in a load of wings out on the back porch. You can order them through BassPro and Cabela's and once in a blue moon I see some at Wally World, albeit the ones I've seen there are pretty cheezeball.
Nice idea man! I can get behind that. Hopefully around Santa time I will be upgrading/getting some new kitchen gear. Until then, I think I might have all of those things... (Rustling about). Just need a propane burner! Hells yeah. :dance: