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media growing in coco

second try at growing peppers first time in coco 4 serrano plant in 5 gallon pots




100% coco with a layer of hydroton balls on the bottom.
Using sample pack of bcuzz nutes with some calmag
Super healthy looking plants!
Are those nutes designed for coco? How much Calmag are you adding? I'm very interested in trying to grow in coco, but I can't get coco specific nutes here in Thailand.
Are you growing these indoors or out? I ask because there's not much ambient light in any of the pics. If you're growing indoors you must be using MH / HPS... which and how many watts? Thinking of trying it myself this winter.
thanks for the replies

i didnt wash the coco at first
the nutes are just regular hydro nutes and i add 5ml of calmag to a gallon with every feeding
im growing them indoors in a small tent i made with a hps 400watt took the pics when the lights were off pictures come out weird when the light is on
Corkey, can I pick your brains?

What PH level do you water with, what's your ppm level and how often are you watering? I've been thinking for a while about going down the coco route. After seeing your plants I'm sold.

Great results using coco choir. To the original poster, did you use the stuff that has lots of the longer, stringier fibers ? I ask because the finer stuff holds a lot of water before it begins to drain, and takes forever to dry. I've been using the finer stuff for a few years now, and prefer to use it as an ingredient, as opposed to the main medium. My best success for seedlings + younger plants was when i mixed coco choir, Fox Farms Ocean Forest and extra perlite. I also had good results using choir, Miracle Gro Orchid mix and Fox Farms + extra Perlite. I'm sure people's results will vary by choir type and technique.

Tip for those considering coco choir as the main medium: If it's the finer coco choir, as most of the US stuff is, then it's going to need lots of Perlite. Otherwise the plant will turn yellow and quit growing. I've had it happen to me multiple times and I have seen others in pepper forums get the same poor results with the finer stuff, so don't find out the hard way. I don't now if it's the high moisture level, possible lack of root oxygen, i suspect it's both.

I get my coco choir cheap from PetSmart and Petco, the 3 pack Zoo-Med bricks there are cheap and swell up to produce a lot of potting medium. Looks like Petsmart has it on sale so i'll probably stock up on it today. Pretty sure the Zoo-Med stuff does not have a high salt content, i may be wrong because the stuff may be sourced from a few different suppliers(?)
What PH level do you water with, what's your ppm level and how often are you watering? I've been thinking for a while about going down the coco route. After seeing your plants I'm sold.

honestly i dont know. hahha i dont ph my water just add nutes to tap water and water about every 2 to 3 days

jetchuka not sure if its finer coco or not first time with it and have not really compared different brands of coco im using botanicare coco blocks right now
I'm curious as to how the peppers taste. My understanding is that you have to use nutes on a regular basis because the coir simply doesn't have any. Having used fertilizers on my pepper plants on a regular basis in the past, do you get a chemical taste in your peppers?