Hello everyone

I am a beginning pepper aficionado, looking to begin delving deeper into my new interest. I am a 23 year old attorney from Indianapolis, IN. I have been all over the world and have a little bit to share about all of the hot sauces I have had from the countries as well. Looking forward to sharing and learning.

-B. Michael Stewart, Esq.
Hey :welcome: from Central CA. You already passed the bar at 23, that's a great accomplishment. Congratulations. Had to have been those hot peppers.
I am a beginning pepper aficionado, looking to begin delving deeper into my new interest. I am a 23 year old attorney from Indianapolis, IN. I have been all over the world and have a little bit to share about all of the hot sauces I have had from the countries as well. Looking forward to sharing and learning.

-B. Michael Stewart, Esq.

Welcome!! lay some of that intercontinental hot sauce (knowledge) on us brotha!

:welcome: from Kansas and a fellow attorney. At the risk of bashing, even though you are a criminal defense attorney and I'm a prosecutor, you are still welcome!