Hello from a Liverpool windowsill

Welcome from Fort Worth, Texas
Hello from...well...um...Liverpool!:)

Nice plants! They seem very happy in the sun.

Wow, another Liverpudlian Chilehead. That parking building outside your flat looks mighty familiar... You near Mount Pleasant?
Aji Chombo said:
Hello from...well...um...Liverpool!:)

Nice plants! They seem very happy in the sun.

Wow, another Liverpudlian Chilehead. That parking building outside your flat looks mighty familiar... You near Mount Pleasant?

You have correctly spotted the Mt Pleasant multi storey car park :clap: In fact you can see the chillies in the window as you walk past. Have you had aphid problems at all Aji?

Thanks for the welcome everyone :), they were very happy until the sun disappeared for the last couple of weeks, the chillies seem to be a lot slower growing now.
imaguitargod said:
Your pods look tasty.

I had an accident while clearing aphids off a tray of cayennes, one fell to the floor and 5 green chillies fell off so one made it into my chili con carne (It fell, and was not pushed) It was very tasty. I ate another one yesterday morning on it's own :drooling: I tried growing some chillies last year but without much success this year is looking much better.
Lally said:
You have correctly spotted the Mt Pleasant multi storey car park :clap: In fact you can see the chillies in the window as you walk past. Have you had aphid problems at all Aji?

Thanks for the welcome everyone :), they were very happy until the sun disappeared for the last couple of weeks, the chillies seem to be a lot slower growing now.

I might have to take a walk down Mt. Pleasant after work today to play 'spot the chillies' :lol:

I have indeed been in a battle with the little sugar poopers. They've infested some of the plants, but I've managed to push them back to non-problem status on a few of them. Been using SB Plant Invigorator as the main weapons, as well as going in for a bit of 'close combat' with some tape wrapped around the wooden end of a fine brush to catch the little critters in hard to reach spots!

There's a Chilli Festival in the Lake District the second weekend of August, if you are interested. Going to my first one. Whohoo! :)