Hello from Alabama!

Hello to all,
About five years ago I had reached the point where I would eat a dozen or so jalapenos with a meal, and then one day I discovered the habanero! and then I went online to google peppers and to my shock and amazement I found out there were many hundreds of different peppers in the world that I had never heard of... and soon I had over 300 3 and 5 gal buckets in the backyard with over fifty different varieties growing. Out of all the different peppers I've grown and tasted I've narrowed it down to mostly the very hot ones are my favorites, the dependably hot habaneros, fruity flavored peppers like fataliis, datil and cumari are really tasty. I bought a dehydrator and dry my peppers and grind them up in a coffee grinder, and there's a nice assortment of pepper shakers on the kitchen table. Currently I'm searching for some yuquitania seed to plant this season. I found this forum on one of my pepper web searches, and it's good to know that there are lots of hot pepper lovers out there.

live love laugh Murray
Welcome to the boards man!

I'm growing cumari for the first time now, the chinense variety. Which one did you grow? I'm really excited about it. Do you have any pics from growing it?
Welcome from Fort Worth...

one question...Roll Tide or War Eagle?
Welcome from Lake Constance, Germany!

Where in Bama are you from? The American part of my wife's family is Limestone County and Lauderdale County based. We visit them once a year.
Thanks to all for the welcome greetings, glad I found this place...

to Armadillo:

to AlabamaJack:
I went to U of Alabama, however I've never really been a football fan, I was too busy playing guitar in rock bands in those days...

to Txclosetgrower:
I grew the wild brazil little round yellow cumari, heat 9, great fruity flavor, one plant was 3 feet tall with about 200 peppers on it..

and also grew the cumari o passarinho, which is more or less like the white bullet hab in size and shape, only orange, tastes like a habanero

live love laugh Murray