Hello from Florida

Hello I live in Longwood, FL. and originally from MA. Go Sox!
I introduced myself to hot sauce about four years ago when I had a year long opportunity to live on and have the run of a 2 acre hobby farm. I tried growing pretty much everything you could think of and was quite successful. Of course this included peppers. I ended up growing about hundred plants. The only thing I could think of doing with all those peppers was making hot sauce. Produced a few hundred bottles and haven't  stopped growing peppers and making hot sauce since. This past year I decided I wanted to try selling my hot sauce and Wicked Pepper was born. I'm finishing up the final steps and gearing up to start selling by the beginning of the new year.
I'm a new member but not new to the site.Just finally decided to sign up. This site has been a great resource over the years for anything hot sauce related. I recommend it to everybody who loves making hot sauce and growing peppers.
:welcome:  from sunny South Florida!  :woohoo: