• If you need help identifying a pepper, disease, or plant issue, please post in Identification.

Help diagnosing my Jalapeños.

Yeah, it's yet another one of those threads...

I have two Early Jalapeños standing on a table on the porch.

Some of the leaves look like this (clickable thumbnail):

and have done so for a long while. I figured it was sunburn (they used to be in direct sunlight and weren't hardened properly) and it didn't really seem to hurt the plant much.

Today I checked for pests under the newer (and prettier) leaves on one of them and found this:

Please click the thumbnail and then click the picture again for full size for a proper look. It looks a bit like white mold.

On one of them I spotted a very small and thin white animal that I had no chance at getting a proper shot of:


It didn't really look like an aphid to me...

Some of the newer pods also have this bumpiness going on

(clickable thumbnail)

Any opinions or advice?
I retract my last statement. I didn't click on the picture of the leaf or pepper. I don't know what that is. Looks gnarly though. someone will chime in here with some useful information for you. Good luck.
Edema? It doesn't look anything like the pictures in this thread: http://thehotpepper.com/topic/30664-issue-with-leaves/page__hl__edema#entry619146
I can't see the white stuff that well, but is it more of a webbing? I had/have an issue with spider mites that had some leaves look like yours and had webbing on the stems/leaves... some leaves looked worse, some not so bad... by the time I caugt it on one plant, the leaves were pretty messed up and dropping...