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I took a lot of casualties. I think I actually under watered because I was afraid of over watering.




Don't throw out the ones that dried up and keeled over...at least not yet. Water them and try to prop them up, like with a tooth pick or a pencil. Make sure they have some light and they may recover in a day or two. I had the same thing happen to some Serranos, and Red Jalapenos, and most of them pulled through. They were the same size as yours.
damn, and I thought my peppers were in trouble b/c they're not growing fast enough....

yeah, I started my seeds in small cubes similar to yours, and depending on what you used for soil, I noticed mine (with heating pad) dried up completely pretty fast, once I took off the plastic wrap I have to water everyday to keep that small amount of soil moist, none of mine are wilting, but I notice you at least have a second pair of leaves.........I have strong healthy seedlings that will not get to true leaves fast enough...I'm building a shoe box lined with reflective foil and putting light right on top....but with cubes that small still might water everyday if the top of the soil looks completely dry

when I first started i was worried about when and how much to water.....but it's the easiest thing there is, as soon as the soil starts to look dry in cubes that small...just water them, when you transplant to bigger pots wait till the top soil is pretty dry, and water until some flushes out the bottom, then let it sit until the top of the soil is really dry again
Snakedoc, what type soil are you using in the tray?
I put plastic over my seedlings untill they have a good set of true leaves.

They dont dry out as fast this way.
AlabamaJack said:
Snakedoc, what type soil are you using in the tray?

Oh yeh I've fed it diluted worm castings btw. Should I flush? Terracycle is 1-0-0 I think though...

My soil mix:

5/7 Monrovia Organics Potting Soil (no ferts)
1/7 Sand
1/7 MG Perlite
1/7 Vermiculite
I was just curious about the soil because I was wondering what its water retention properties were...I use Hoffmans Seed Starting mix and it usually takes 3 days for it to dry enough to need more water...this is at constant 86F not covered in my germinator...Hoffmans is a very very fine mix and has excellent water retention properties...to me it is anyway...

I had bad luck once with the domes on the trays by getting mold so I don't cover them any more but still they don't dry out that much....I know it will dry them out quicker but if you haven't already started, put a fan on them a couple of times a day to give them some exercise...will make strong stems for you...
Roger that AlabamaJack. I actually even brush them with my hand gently to give them the exercise. I'll have to look for a small low rpm fan to get the air flowing.
Today I sprayed them with crushed garlic and chamomile tea mix. I also sprinkled some cinnamon around the seedlings as suggested by some web pages. I'm so desperate to have them back -=[

Should I completely remove the other dying plants along with their soil and throw them out? I'm still not sure if I have a fungal problem or what...I'm not sure how many plants I'll have by the end of the season.
SnakeDoc said:
Why are my peppers black on the edges and curling up? Is this dampening off?

It looks like it but you said that you think you were under-watering? Did you check the moistness of the soil by putting your finger in the bottom drain hole? I also press down on the top soil ever so gently to check for moistness just under the surface.
I'm really not sure what to do now, I think about 80% of my plants are either dead or dying. I've tried what I wrote above but they haven't gotten better yet. I think I may try starting over for the season. Is it way too late to start over?
I have a jiffy kit with heating pad and noticed about 50% of mine have sprouted and have 2 tiny little leaves. Do I leave the dome on and wait for the rest of them to sprout, take the dome off, or remove the sprouted ones only. None of them are hitting the top of the dome and I've had a light on above them since the first one sprouted, but i'm not sure what to do with them now. I haven't watered them yet as the peat pots are ALL still moist.
when i woke up this morning, i found that 1 of my plants were doing that 2, although it looks a lil worse than the 1s in those pics...i thought it was dead when i first seen it.

i guess for some reason it ran out of water faster than the other 2, and i didnt check on it cuz it seemed fine last night, and the other 2 still seemed moist on top...moved it out of my window, watered it, and used a twist tie to make it stand up, hope it pulls through
SnakeDoc said:
I'm really not sure what to do now, I think about 80% of my plants are either dead or dying. I've tried what I wrote above but they haven't gotten better yet. I think I may try starting over for the season. Is it way too late to start over?

If all eles fails, go to your local nursery's and check them out. Sometime's they will have some nice pepper's ready to go and make your season..."-)