overwintering Hillbilly winter shelter

willard3 said:
I dumped photobucket for their copyright violations; I hope they are sued for this, Paul.
Flickr will let you have 500 fotos for free. Given that most of my fotos are on my media, I rarely get greater than 250 fotos on Flickr
Thank you for your input....
...that's why I downloaded then deleted old my photos a few days ago. Moved to Imgur a while back. "Pricks" is being kind.
I had a serious lapse in winter shelter management this year and my mother plants suffered badly. We had a brutal cold snap that bracketed Christmas. Five nights below freezing, four nights of very hard freeze and one 36 hour period when I never saw it get above freezing. I prepped for this with three layers of extra blanketing over the pepper place and a tarp over the entire structure. I had 2x40W incandescents running full time in the shelter as well as one in the pumphouse. I also had a 250W IR heat lamp running 30 minutes on and 30 minutes off. Everything seemed to be adequate but I didn't put a data logger in there to monitor.

After it was over, I learned It wasn't all that adequate at all. I knew I would lose three of my mother plants that appeared to be dead as a hammer. Three more showed signs of life by sprouting some new leaves and three survived unscathed. The three hopefuls lost out in the end. Sadly, the six losses included my 2016 model Cardi Scorpions and the Reapers. Two of each. And my 2017 Yellow Naga Brainstrain as well as a more recent model.. I'm left with two 7 Pot Douglah and one Reaper.

In the end it will be okay because I have new plants started from old seeds but it's sad to lose plants that were like pets. Climate change really pisses me off.
The reaper that survived is doing nicely. The two douglah, not so much. Those are making a lot of pods but they're ugly.


The replacement plants are doing well. Here's a CARDI Scorpion
