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Hombre 2013 Pubescens ,Pubescens and Pubescens

Started a Testbatch of 84 in december because I changed a lot of parameters of my grow setup.
Tried using some cheap LED panels but they did not fit for me
So almost all of the things worked out and now I have allready 79 pubescens Plants that I will keep.





Yesterday I started the regular ones


I put 2 Seeds from 148 C.pubescens Varieties

From a Cross called Rocoto 3H from a friend I put 7 Seeds to germate after I allready had that one in the Testbatch and got 4 Plants I am trying to get 10 so I can compare how stable they are

From 6 Varieites I put 9 Seeds each to germate.

The first one is a variety a freind got in 2011 in Peru that is suppose to be the biggest Rocoto ever Problem is that I did not get one Seed to germate last year thats why 9 got sowed this year

He also brought back a nother variety labeld Arequipa Rocoto Red small got really big Rocotos of that and some even turned yellow. So this year I will sow 9 original Seeds and 9 Seeds that I saved from the big Red ones to see if they are true and hoping to get some yellow ones to because the Seeds at the yellow ones did not get ripe

Rocoto Brown will also be 9 Seeds because I need more brown ones for a Sauce that I am working on

A Variety that I got labeld Rocoto Brown gave me really big Red Pods so I am trying if they are true for that they are also getting 9 chances to germante

And the last one is a variety that has the strangest Flowers . They were in 2011 purple and white but the purple was divided to the white in a clear line it looked like some one draw a line with a ruler. So I will check if that turnes out in the next gemeration and try to select seeds to get it sable

More to come

Greetings from germany

The weather here is really bad this year. Had some freezing last week and now rain all the time. Still manage to get the first C.pubescens out in the pots and in the ground
Hopefully I will be able to get some nice fotos soon, if the sun ever comes out again.
Inside now around 200 Capsicum pubescens plants are growing, they will be used in a big LED Experiment,
Want to try and find the perfect color for my Capsicum pubescens. The Goal is to start later and still get decent plants
More Soon