beer Hops

Hi, not sure if this belongs in 'gardening', 'the buzz', or a whole other website, but has anybody tried growing there own hops?? I've been brewing my own beer and want to try growing my own hops as an expirement.
Yes I have grown my own hops, I had a couple of bines going for two seasons and they really started to do well in their second year. Ideally they need very long days in summer, but I could still get mine to produce without that. It is difficult to use your hops though as the Alpha Acid % will be unknown, so noble hops for late additions are the only things worth growing.
My hops would still be going today, but the garden where they were growing got re-designated as path and I couldn't save them :(

As a homebrewer I too will be growing my own hops and have researched it out the ass. They do grow best the second year like dreamboat (whom we haven't seen much of around these parts, how ya been dude?) observed. Plan ahead, order early, loose soil is the best and high in nutrients, and REMEMBER they get TALL!!!!!
they had hop farming on dirty jobs recently. they get VERY tall! gorgeous plants though. the buds are fantastic looking. i want to grow some as well, but i don't think i have the resources. i know i can't grow at my apartment so that's out.
Apartment growing is definitely not an option, unless you can convince the people in the level above you to have the plant grow up their balcony also, and probably the people above them as well.....
I got around 30ft of growth in the first year, and while it was a bit spindly, in the second year it was around the same length but much bushier!

Hi Iggy!

XRDAN said:
What about differant types of hops in close quarters, can they cross pollinate?

You don't have to worry about that since what you are after are the female flowers (the hop cones that are used in beer). You need to go out and order yourself a female clone. Since you only want females you don't have to worry about polentation.

You want at least 3-5 feet between vines so any closer is a no-no. This is because they get to be a very root intensive plant and also you don't want your vines crossing into another's teritory.
Pedant Alert!
Pedant Alert!!

They are called Bines. Can't recall why but I'm sure it is crucial to this thread.

Pedant alert off.
You can resume your regular broadcast.

Your best way of getting hops is from a root cutting, which will certainly be from a female plant. If there are any male plants around they have a negative affect on the development of the cones - seeds I think.... which is why only females are grown commercially.

You pretty much have to use root cuttings.
Seeds are a real pain to break their dormantcy.

Damp sand in a ziplock in the fridge for 6+ weeks then hope a couple germinate-start again until you get seeds to sprout.

Most places-beer suppliers sell cuttings anyway.
I wouldn't use hops from Gurney's or ?

Heat killed my hops plants years ago but a friend has some nice Saaz , hallertauer , and Cascade growing somewhat shaded by a large mapple tree during part of the day.He lets them grow up and over his roof.
They get giant on the roof.once they get that high ,they start spreading all over the place.Completely cover the roof on one side.
He makes a lot of lagers.Uses it for finnishing hops.

Reminds me,it's past Beer thirty...
A bock sounds good.