how big do reapers normally get?

this little guy is about the size of a dime or so  its almost ready though!!!!    all the other ones on the plant are just a shy bigger than that maybe about a thumb size 

SL3 said:
Here's some of Ed's Reapers for comparison. 
That is pure evil. 
I will have to grow a couple of them next year. I skipped them this year because my 2 plants from last year didn't produce very many. I only had a dozen or so ripe ones from each plant. I was disappointed. 
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gangaskan said:
this little guy is about the size of a dime or so  its almost ready though!!!!    all the other ones on the plant are just a shy bigger than that maybe about a thumb size 
I can't tell from your picture, is the skin bumpy?
SavinaRed said:
That is pure evil. 
I will have to grow a couple of them next year. I skipped them this year because my 2 plants from last year didn't produce very many. I only had a dozen or so ripe ones from each plant. I was disappointed. 
Those are from Ed's table at the So Cal Hot Sauce Expo a couple of weeks ago. He was right next store to Ann and her "Pure Evil". The one's I grew last year were not real productive and only produced a few pods late in the season. I did get a box from Judy that looked just like those on the platter, and they were killer. 
Oh, to get a better idea of size those are peanuts down in the right hand corner. Reaper peanuts! Yumm!
Gangaskan --

One of my Habanero plants and one of my Scotch Bonnet plants did the same thing. Both produced a ripe pod about the size of a nickel or so. The habby was earlier than the Scotch Bonnet by about ten days or so. I picked both to get them off the plant and froze them for a sauce I intend to make this year. Why waste them? I took it as a positive sign; almost like the plant was doing a little test run to show me how awesome it's going to be he he he. Both plants that provided early smallish pods are doing well and have average sized green pods growing very well. Also, I think location and your related climate will have something to do with early pods and of course over-all yield during and up to the end of your growing season. I'm in South-Western, Ontario, Canada and I planted around the second week of May. I had to bring the containers in a few times to dodge some spring frost but other wise my plants are well and healthy -- I should be able to grow into late October or so.

Hope that makes you feel a little better!

oh, i deff wont waste it!!!!   
parker, it is a little bumpy, you just cant tell because its a little small.  
My reaper was going all out in terms of flowers and I thought I was going to have a great haul. Then we got about 4 days of rain and it aborted all but a handfull of buds :(. I'm considering overwintering it so that it has a great jump on next year. Just hate the associated aphid explosion you get around december.

LordHill, what pot size did you use for overwintering? I'm planning to overwinter more than a dozen plants and think that doing it in a bonchi form is the only way to avoid aphids
Looks exactly like my first pod on last years plant.  Yes, they may be small, but is did still pack a punch, and a half.  Enjoy it!
hotchill said:
LordHill, what pot size did you use for overwintering? I'm planning to overwinter more than a dozen plants and think that doing it in a bonchi form is the only way to avoid aphids
I cant find the exact one and am at work so I cant measure, but I used something like this. .. My only tip, when your cutting back the root ball to fit it into the small pot, don't cut the tap root. Or whatever the main root is called. I cut it on my practice plant and it died swiftly. Left it fully in tact on my keeper and it thrived from day one
Not the best picture, but this was it about a month before it got potted up for the year. I potted up about 6 weeks before last frost and by last frost it was setting pods. Put it outside with the rest and it was covered in pods in no time at all

Nothing special, it isn't a world class bonchi by any means, but it had no problem surviving a Michigan winter on a night stand.
gangaskan said:
this little guy is about the size of a dime or so  its almost ready though!!!!    all the other ones on the plant are just a shy bigger than that maybe about a thumb size 

could be just the photo but the plant itself looks kind of small too but the pods on the bottom of the photo look larger, no?
the other ones are bigger looking at it, i'll have to get a better picture when i can.  
i tried it today, holy crapola!!!    :fireball:   i really like the flavor it has 