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How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

My first moruga

Yellow 7

Morning mini haul

i just potted up about 20 new seedlings into big pots ready to go. Im going to watch them overtake my current older plants as i have learnt a lot better how to grow these....no more over watering/over fertilising...ill see if i can skip the crinkled leaves this time
Woke up to chilli armageddon this morning.

The stupid damn crows uprooted about 8 of my seedlings including the ONE one that was actually looking strong and healthy. I've tried repotting it and sticking it in the shade, but the stem is badly belt and who knows how long its been sitting on the hot bricks. I doubt a recovery will be happening. Pretty disheartened since this was the one plant that I had really gotten going. I had lost track of what it was and was really excited to find out.

I hate these birds. Has anyone else had problems with them and discovered a solution?

UPDATE: The really hammered seedling perked right up. The stem is still badly bent but I have propped it against some woden skewers and put a little bit of tape gently around the damaged section. I am cautiously optimistic about a recovery.
Woke up to chilli armageddon this morning.

The stupid damn crows uprooted about 8 of my seedlings including the ONE one that was actually looking strong and healthy. I've tried repotting it and sticking it in the shade, but the stem is badly belt and who knows how long its been sitting on the hot bricks. I doubt a recovery will be happening. Pretty disheartened since this was the one plant that I had really gotten going. I had lost track of what it was and was really excited to find out.

I hate these birds. Has anyone else had problems with them and discovered a solution?

UPDATE: The really hammered seedling perked right up. The stem is still badly bent but I have propped it against some woden skewers and put a little bit of tape gently around the damaged section. I am cautiously optimistic about a recovery.

Good luck hope it survives , do what the old wog market gardeners do and dangle a few cans on string that shud scare them off. Any pics of the fallen solider ?

I know it might be hard to believe that this was my "good seedling", but it was really beginning to come on after all my plants were doing nothing.

Considering it looked like a piece of lettuce that had been left out for 24 hours when I found it, this is a vast improvement.

I know it might be hard to believe that this was my "good seedling", but it was really beginning to come on after all my plants were doing nothing.

Considering it looked like a piece of lettuce that had been left out for 24 hours when I found it, this is a vast improvement.

Not sure why but I can't c the pic it's just a box
Ok scientific me , and this wud apply to wa growers ! It's hot and dry we all steer away from watering due to over doing it .but we all hit the fert to hard and not enough water, a plant same as us is primeraly water and is the key to transfer goodness is water . More water less less fert especially while young ! I'm watering all my plant including babies every day now it may rain bit dosnt penetrate , if u have good daring soil it shudnt matter , it seems to be curing the crinkled leaf as the plant is to dry to suck up the minereals . Note I'm hammered

I know it might be hard to believe that this was my "good seedling", but it was really beginning to come on after all my plants were doing nothing.

Considering it looked like a piece of lettuce that had been left out for 24 hours when I found it, this is a vast improvement.
He looks fine mate. Don't stress. I hear hanging CDs scare birds.

Look all. My first superhot!!!
This is the growth I've had in 2 weeks.
I had these guys in pots for 4 months and they didn't grow shit. Im kicking myself I didn't have them in the ground earlier. I'd be swimming in pods right now!
He looks fine mate. Don't stress. I hear hanging CDs scare birds.

Look all. My first superhot!!!
This is the growth I've had in 2 weeks.
I had these guys in pots for 4 months and they didn't grow shit. Im kicking myself I didn't have them in the ground earlier. I'd be swimming in pods right now!
Cranking !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nothing but compost and worm casting right there

Who u glaze 4 ? Pm it don't post it

I've got little white things in me worm farm farked if I I know what they r but doing better than the worms

Tonight's feed margs best

Getting on it

The tomatoes r mine and they rock
I had those same little f**kers in my worm farm. Maggots of some sort I reckon. I'm pretty sure they were eating my worms lol. I started with 1000 and counted 30 when I was changing the bedding. I have to start again
This is the growth I've had in 2 weeks.

I had these guys in pots for 4 months and they didn't grow shit. Im kicking myself I didn't have them in the ground earlier. I'd be swimming in pods right now!

Its probably got a lot to do with the cool temp the ground maintains vs the pots temp going up and down, and also the capillary action of the ground sucking away excess water. More so than the soil mix change? not sure what they were in in the pots.

Whatever it is the grow is looking great :)

I had those same little f**kers in my worm farm. Maggots of some sort I reckon. I'm pretty sure they were eating my worms lol. I started with 1000 and counted 30 when I was changing the bedding. I have to start again

The really tiny white wrigglers are baby worms, is that what you mean?

My worm farm is chock full of castings and I'm not sure how to easily separate the worms from the castings. Its an old single tray system so the worms have nowhere to migrate to like the ones where they have lots of trays on the go. So I have a large mass of worms and worm castings and I need get them apart without manually picking them out one by one! Anyone have any ideas?
Its probably got a lot to do with the cool temp the ground maintains vs the pots temp going up and down, and also the capillary action of the ground sucking away excess water. More so than the soil mix change? not sure what they were in in the pots.

Whatever it is the grow is looking great :)

The really tiny white wrigglers are baby worms, is that what you mean?

My worm farm is chock full of castings and I'm not sure how to easily separate the worms from the castings. Its an old single tray system so the worms have nowhere to migrate to like the ones where they have lots of trays on the go. So I have a large mass of worms and worm castings and I need get them apart without manually picking them out one by one! Anyone have any ideas?
defiantly not baby worms which are real skinny. These things are fat. I made this outa security grill. I rig up a sander to it and the castings fall through the holes and the eggs and big chumks roll down.

You have to let the castings dry out in a dark place for a couple of days before you can seperate.
Cool invention. So you dump the worms and castings out somewhere dark to dry, and the worms don't mind this? I mean they don't dry up and die or try to escape or anything?

A cool thing I've seen is this rotary screen on youtube


Might go and built myself one of these if I can find the right mesh and figure out how to join it :P

Can't remember how to post a youtube video or has the site changed its rules?
Cool invention. So you dump the worms and castings out somewhere dark to dry, and the worms don't mind this? I mean they don't dry up and die or try to escape or anything?

A cool thing I've seen is this rotary screen on youtube


Might go and built myself one of these if I can find the right mesh and figure out how to join it :P

Can't remember how to post a youtube video or has the site changed its rules?
I separate the worms first ya twit lol. I've seen the rotator thingy before. It looked to complicated to build so I went the easier option. Apparently the vibrations are less stressful on the worms than the tumbling. The advantage to the rotator you can use wet castings. My setup requires dry castings to work. The trick is to not let it dry out tooth or the eggs will cark it
Yeah that's what I meant, how to get the worms out of the castings first.

Been looking on youtube and the two basic methods are to make small piles in the sun or under lights and the worms burrow down away from the light and you pick away the castings from the top. The other way is to sift them over vibrating screens or tumble them through rotating screens. I can't imagine this is good for the worms and I don't have the time to build one right now. I'll probably do it the first way. I guess I've found a use for my light array after the final chilli seedlings leave my hydro system this week.
I just carefully scrape the top of the pile. Any worms exposed to air and the light (doesn't have to be the sun) will dig deeper. You end up with a pile of mostly worms. Then I dry the castings a little then sift to remove the eggs.
I'm going to use the castings in large pots soil mix. So if I didn't sift out the eggs cos I couldn't be farked they'd hatch and they'd be trapped :P Come to think of it they're not that stupid they could make it down through the drain holes into the ground. Yeah I'll just dry it.