• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

I didn't even know about the quarantine thing. I've ordered from THSC about four or five times and always arrived without issue.
Micca302 said:
Wildfire is great. Hippyseed, Junglerain are also awesome but you will have to keep in mind that there is suppose to be a 50 buck inspection fee now bringing in seeds to WA from the east.
I really don't think they will or can enforce it but it has come into effect now.
I ordered some seeds in from Junglerain a few days after the inspection fee came into place. got them through a week and a half later with no fee attached. Might be luck of the draw or maybe the systems aren't in place to inspect properly yet.
Yeah not too sure if or how they will enforce the inspection law.
By the sounds of it they are contacting seed companies and telling them. I have noticed a couple of companies wont send to WA any more.
I'm glad diggers decided to cover the charge. Last thing I read from them was they wanted to cover it but customs said they could not tell them how much it would cost(more to inspect, longer to process).
Customs recon everyone has been well informed???? what a load of crud.
It's hard even finding out what you need to do to bring them in let alone being well informed.
My reaper

David - That looks amazing. My wife lets me keep a couple inside during the winter to try to save some leaves, but I don't think the whole light setup would ever fly. :)
nemspy said:
David - That looks amazing. My wife lets me keep a couple inside during the winter to try to save some leaves, but I don't think the whole light setup would ever fly. :)
Thanks! Yeah that bad boy is over 6 foot tall now.
I think I'll chop it down soon..maybe plant it outside. I want to grow a Burmese Naga in there next.

You can always try?
Luckily I live by myself, so my girlfriend doesn't get to tell me what I can and can't do in the house...yet. My days might be numbered though, so I have to make the most of it.
Thanks nemspy and micca the seeds arrived yesterday and today. I bought some Bulgarian Carrot seeds to try and raise first, they don't seem to be sprouting in a little propagation tray with peat "pods" in it, still too early hey?
Happy Growing Mate!
You can germinate now(alot of Aussies are definately underway) but will need something like a heat pad to keep the temps up.
The Trin Scorps etc like around 28Deg.C but the Bulgarian can get away with less warmth. It's the night time temps that hinder the process that's why a heat pad is good.
Otherwise after the first frosts(if we get any) in spring and sow outside(bring inside at night).
Its that wonderful time of year for me. Starting the chilli seedlings this week. Going to split my seeds into a few groups for diffrent methods.
1 The good old way soil and water
2 My self watering seedling trays (just got them)
3 paper towel and zip lock bag
4 jar with a touch of water
Just curious to see how all the different ways go and the strength of the seedlings
dazza82 said:
Its that wonderful time of year for me. Starting the chilli seedlings this week. Going to split my seeds into a few groups for diffrent methods.
1 The good old way soil and water
2 My self watering seedling trays (just got them)
3 paper towel and zip lock bag
4 jar with a touch of water
Just curious to see how all the different ways go and the strength of the seedlings
Sounds great Dazza. Will be interesting to see the results!
I have only started a few off so far seeing I am off fishing in a few weeks.
it's too hard to keep them going when i'm gone.
Here is a peek of the babies-

I hope everyone has a great season!
Happy Chilli Growing,
Hey guys just wondering how people's plants go over the winter? Mine just seemed to stop doing anything? What's a good way to kick start them again as the warmer weather begins to come in? I was thinking of repotting them all this weekend in new soil and giving them a bit of a prune?
Also gonna start seeds this week
Andy21 said:
Hey guys just wondering how people's plants go over the winter? Mine just seemed to stop doing anything? What's a good way to kick start them again as the warmer weather begins to come in? I was thinking of repotting them all this weekend in new soil and giving them a bit of a prune?
Also gonna start seeds this week
Howdy Andy,
it's pretty usual in winter to have your plants slow right down.
They really don't like the cold and wet and miserable conditions and shut down. Specially the Chinense family(habaneros, bhut etc) but not so much the cayennes, jalapeno's etc.
If you give them a prune now, in the next few weeks when spring starts to kick in with some warmth they will start to shoot again. Some of mine are sprouting new growth now.
You can give them a good feed of seasol now but i would hold off repotting until you see some growth coming on(if they are in small pots). If they are in big pots just give them a good feed now and maybe some weak ferts when growth comes on.
Hope this helps.
Andy21 said:
Hey guys just wondering how people's plants go over the winter? Mine just seemed to stop doing anything? What's a good way to kick start them again as the warmer weather begins to come in? I was thinking of repotting them all this weekend in new soil and giving them a bit of a prune?
Also gonna start seeds this week
I've learnt through experience not to prune my plants when they are inactive. I wait for the regrowth to begin first and prefer to prune near knots where the branches are less hollow.

I'm back to fertilising my over wintered plants with each watering as they depleted some of the nutrients before winter. The odd foliar feed helps with plants that need to re-establish their root systems.
Very true there Harry, cheers.
It would really help to prune when seeing new growth. They will then put the energy into the new shoots.
Are you using full strength ferts now Harry? I try not to give them too much but they might need it to restock.
Unfortunately it's a bit too wet over here at the moment with foliar feeds, I get a bit worried about black spot(had it before and not fun).
Cheers guys ill just be patient and maybe give it a few more weeks before I prune, I live in perth so hopefully the cold weather should be finishing up soon! Definitely gonna start the seeds this week though! My housemate planted 24 about 8-9 days ago and 16 have popped so far, mixed varieties, just planted them in a mini greenhouse and left on the back verandah where we get good afternoon sun
Micca302 said:
Very true there Harry, cheers.
It would really help to prune when seeing new growth. They will then put the energy into the new shoots.
Are you using full strength ferts now Harry? I try not to give them too much but they might need it to restock.
Unfortunately it's a bit too wet over here at the moment with foliar feeds, I get a bit worried about black spot(had it before and not fun).
The fertiliser I've been using at quarter strength in rain water lately has an NPK of 14:7:24. I have soaked one of my red Rocoto pots in half strength after it sat idle while other Rocoto plants showed progress. My goal is to replenishing the nutrients in the mix but not burn the plants.
The weather has been wet here too. The plants that I have foliar fed are shielded from the rain. During some of the drier and sunny periods you may be able to get away with wetting the underneath of a few leaves with solution on the plants exposed to rain.
Thanks for the info Harry. I tend to keep away from the ferts a bit but sounds good to try.
I used some Yates Uplift(minerals, trace elemets etc) last year and seemed to help. specially with the seedlings.
Rocotto doing well, thinking of taking out of hydroponic and putting it in soil to make room for some other chilies. The pods look much different to the ones I got in summer. These are starting out longer, the summer pods were almost perfectly round.


Looks good David! Is there a chap way of setting up a lighting system? Could I just buy uv or halogen strip lights from bunnings or somewhere? I've been thinking about setting up something small just to give my seedlings a boost