How to remove heat from the skin

I wanted to share my technique for removing heat and pain when one gets peppers residues and oils in their skin.
Items you will need:
Olive oil
French green clay
The french green clay can be purchased from a health food store, or online.
First thing is to wash any excess powder(if any) from your skin by just lightly using cold water. If there is no residue skip this part. Take the olive oil and completely bathe your entire skin in question with it. Rub gently, and allow the olive oil to remain for a few minutes. Afterwards rinse with cold water and a completely natural soap* until all the oil is removed. Oftentimes this alone is enough, but not always. Step two is to create a paste according to instructions from the french green clay and apply to the skin. Allow to sit until its dry, and until you feel the skin tightening. This action is actually pulling oils and other toxins and residues from the pores that have penetrated the skin. Once finished simply rinse with cold water and soap, and your problem should be almost or completely gone! This is my personal method I created that works wonders.
*Natural soap is best because it does not have any other chemicals that can interfere with this process. Natural soap will wash clean without leaving any residues on your skin. For value I recommend Kirks Natural Coco Castille. Here is a link to products.
Ocho Cinco said:
Try rubbing alcohol also. I wash my hands with a little alcohol first, rinse, then wash normally with soap. 
I have tried rubbing alcohol, which did not do anything for me. I have heard of this, but for some reason it just did not work for me, even after using it several times. It seems to just spread the heat around. Plus, I prefer to keep that out of my body as it is carcinogenic. Thanks for the reply and idea though.
It works great, i do the same using dish soap instead of natural soap.
Learned this trick from Peter of semillas many time ago.
Haven't tried green clay - I should check some stores for that. 
I tried every "remedy" I could find on Google last Sunday and couldn't stop the pain. I felt like my hands were on fire and it kept me up all night! I really need to get gloves. The only thing that worked was a tube of sunburn stuff - aloe with lidocaine. Took the pain out longer than anything else I tried (olive oil, rubbing alcohol, peanut butter, aquaphor, etc). 
Datil said:
It works great, i do the same using dish soap instead of natural soap.
Learned this trick from Peter of semillas many time ago.
And I thought I created this... :lol:
Glad to see others using this. Thanks for the reply Datil.

Roo said:
Haven't tried green clay - I should check some stores for that. 
I tried every "remedy" I could find on Google last Sunday and couldn't stop the pain. I felt like my hands were on fire and it kept me up all night! I really need to get gloves. The only thing that worked was a tube of sunburn stuff - aloe with lidocaine. Took the pain out longer than anything else I tried (olive oil, rubbing alcohol, peanut butter, aquaphor, etc). 
I have used this before as well, and it does help depending on the strength.  Thanks for the reply Roo.
I have, in the past, used coconut oil smeared all over the affected areas to quench the burn. Doesn't take it all away but it provided some relief!
I have also heard of people washing their hands off with shampoo/conditioner (did nothing for me), slathering in aloe (quite temporary), smooshing bananas (lol) and the rubbing alcohol, which also did nothing. I guess putting your hands in vinegar could help, but I didn't have any in the pantry when I was burning last! I ended up wrapping my hands in ice packs and going to sleep hahaha.
Your solution is interesting. I may have to try that next time! Thanks!
I wash my hands with dishsoap and I use bottled lemonjuice to break down the oils.  This also works very well for after you have filleted your catch of the day.  I fillet two dozen fish the other day and used this method, wife was amazed.... she couldnt smell the fish on my hands at all. 
I like the coconut oil suggestion, I am gonna try that. 
I wish I would have found this post last night.   About an hour after chopping some habaneros,
I rubbed my eyelid and it felt like this:
ah that is always the worst! I have done that, myself!
Years ago during a 4th of July party, my buddy was cooking with jalapenos and after he was through went to the bathroom and touched his junk. He was in so much agony he actually grabbed a glass, poured some milk and stuck himself in it. What I found to be completely hilarious was the fact that he came out of the bathroom with his junk still in the glass of milk, then proceeded to drink the milk after! Ahhh good drunken times.
Another time I thought I had washed my hands well enough after cooking with habs and my girl and I got intimate. One thing led to another and we both ended up having.....a fire in our loins. Ahh! Talk about a mood killer.
I use Dawn dish soap without water. Rub your hands for about 30 seconds, then rinse with cold water. Works great for me!