Howdy from Montana

Hey all,

I'm a first time grower in Montana. Just fought a losing battle with aphids, but I managed to salvage most of the non super-hots, and also saved 4 bhuts. Looking forward to the experience; I anticipate that I'll have to move indoors and get a powerful light given the short summers here.
well let me be the first one to welcome you to this great site

Thanks! Here's the survivors:

And, last but...well, perhaps least...the Bhuts (for whatever reason, all the superhots went down like...well, they went down fast).
Welcome to the best gosh darn place on the netz! Pity about your plants. If you do bring them inside be on the lookout for aphids all the time, they love indoor grows.
Hey Richard, welcome to the forum. I used to live in Montana myself, just moved to Washington last year. I love Missoula great place!!
Thanks all! It's my first time growing anything, so given the learning curve if it hadn't been aphids, it would've been something else. Next season I'll be much more prepared; for one thing, I plan to start new seeds in January at the latest.

Funny you should mention the aphids; they really took root when I moved all my plants into my tub when I went on a week long vacation. When I came back (this isn't a joke) I thought it was pollen or something, because they were all clustered at the stems and, well, I didn't really know anything about gardening. I let them multiply for something like a week before realizing the pollen was moving, then attacked them with garlic oil and soap water, which knocked them all out over a three day period but also devastated the leaves on the more sensitive plants. For whatever reason, the scotch bonnett (sp?) and a couple others went down like...the titanic.

Right now, I'm thinking about picking up a 1000w HPS for sale on craigslist and moving the Bhuts indoors. This summer has been terrible so far; virtually no sunshine until the last couple days, and temps in the mid 50's to low 60's. Yesterday was sunny and 85, and today is starting out nice, but looks like we'll get some storms popping up later (hopefully severeā€”I'm a bit of a meteorology nerd). Montana is great for a lot of things, but apparently hot peppers ain't one of them.
Hey all,

I'm a first time grower in Montana. Just fought a losing battle with aphids, but I managed to salvage most of the non super-hots, and also saved 4 bhuts. Looking forward to the experience; I anticipate that I'll have to move indoors and get a powerful light given the short summers here.

:welcome: Use three parts warm water one part vegetable oil and a couple drops of dish soap spray every few day for about 2 weeks. that killed the aphids for me. hope it helps.