nutrients Hydro Nutes

Hey guys. I am going to play around with some hydo here shortly. Was wondering where everyone got their nutes from. Amazon? Local hydro store?
How much more does the in store usually run? 10%?

My closest store is about 15-20 miles away. And while that, to me, isn't that far( and I prefer human interactions to gather experience etc.) Don't want the missus causing ruckus if I she thinks its gonna save me 5-10.
For nutes my store, also about the same distance as yours, generally just runs a couple dollars more. But they mark way up on hardware type stuff. It's prolly worth a look around your local store at least once. Look up stuff before you go, maybe write it down and take it with you. My local store also gives a no tax for cash discount. is where I have gotten mine from a few times. If you buy it by the gallon, it is quite a bit cheaper than buying quarts it locally. +/- 30% I would think.
Thanks everybody. I like what everyone has to say. All valid points.

I agree w heckle to at least go check the local store out. I've never been before so maybe I will check these sites out and write down some prices to take with me for comparison.

If cost is a major consideration: masterblend/calcium nitrate/magnesium sulfate comes out to about $0.016 (1.6 cents) per gallon of solution and is a fantastic hydro nute in my experience...
Someone else can tell you better the price per gallon of the stuff they use, but from what I can determine from the price online and the mixing ratios it seems to be about 10x as high as that.
didnt see juanitos post... +1 to masterblend recommendation