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I have a problem

I check on my plants way too much! Like as much as possible, I know I'm not the only one out there that does.

So addicting, I try not to. This being my first time ever really growing anything, Between 11/20-12/22, I have sowed 6 different varieties of peppers, and some hybrid solar flare sun flowers which are going to be sweet only supposed to get 4-5 ft tall.

So far I have Biker Billy Jalapenos, Habaneros, Carolina Reapers, Bhut Jolokias, and Carnival sweet mix peppers all growing. They are all looking awesome too, well pretty good for my first time. I have learned a lot from on here and I have quite a big youtube subscription list of indoor and outdoor gardening and hydroponics.
I have way too many plants growing right now, but some aren't doing too hot since I transplanted them, but I do believe they will pull through. Come Feb I am sowing 3-5 more varieties, which will really be way too many, but some family wants some of them and I am going to have 2-4 plants at my work.

I am hoping to get a Glog started up when I sow my next seeds as well, I love following peoples glogs and learning from what they go through. I really want to start making videos for youtube, but we'll see about that one.

Well until next time pepper lovers!
Checking on them can be addicting. I used to check mine 3-4 times a day. I found that I ended up loving them to much, and cut it back to 1 a day. I currently have I think 8 different varieties. This is also my first big pepper grow, and I also have 4 plants growing hydro. Sounds like your having a great time and your peppers are doing well. Keep up the good work and having fun. I would like to see your glog and how it all comes together for you. You got some great peppers growing.
Ah, young love. Its so cute.
You start to have a problem when you spent all your money on gardning supplies, lost your job because you couldn't leave your seedlings alone, panhandle for cash to get the "next big thing", even if you are going to plant them near the bushes you sleep in. pepperproblem
phew, I thought it was just me that checks on them multiple times a day! haha. I recently bought a jewellers loupe thing and have been spending quite a bit of time checking the leaves for pests (had a bit of a mite problem earlier that has scarred me). I'm pretty sure the neighbours think I've gone insane!

Look forward to the glog! I might do one of those too for next season.
it happens...but once you go really big, have a succesful year and then start your germ the next year...you will still check them, but the 3-4 times a day will become 1 maybe 2. i have 750 seeds germinating and hooking now, too many to check several times a day. plus ive already gone BIG like this last year and had a very succesful harvest. i must say, i still check them first thing in morning, and sometimes again before bed. LOVE this time of year when they start poppin! sounds like you are having fun so keep it up and good luck with your grow!
I know during peak growing season I will check at least 3-4 times a day for sure! I've always heard that if you just leave them alone they will grow fine but I really do find a lot of benefit in keeping an eye on them. Last year I was plagued by mites, aphids, and horned worms. I have a feeling if I didn't look at them so much I would have easily lost 3-4 plants out of the 12 I had.