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Important question about a passing in the family

My father just recently passed and I have no idea what to do first. I know that I need to get copies of the death certificate before anything can be done. he has a bank account that needs to be closed, a car in which I do not want, social security that needs to be stopped and so forth
It would be very helpful if anyone who has gone through this hardship (or who know the procedures) to let me know the most important things that need to be taken care of first. Google is not very helpful to me..lol.

rest in peace pops
Sorry to here that. I recently went though the same thing. The 1st thing is signing the paperwork at the funeral home. They know what to do with the copies of the D. Cert., They also are your best source for how and what to do next. Keep it simple. Nice picture of your Pops. Peace. pp
My mother passed Jan 30th so I'm unfortunately in the same position you are. I'm still waiting for the death certificate roughly 3 weeks later... it's certainly not easy getting things done
Really sorry to hear that. You and your family will be in my prayers. I cannot offer any advice about legal matters... but take time to sort your emotions. Spend time with your family. The rest will come in time.
You'll need several copies of the death certificate. To close out the bank account, to transfer the car into your name (so you can sell it if you don't want to keep it), to transfer any other accounts, and to close any credit cards, etc. Social Security will/should shut down automatically when the IRS gets notice of his passing. You might have to send a certificate to them, too.

Sorry to hear of your loss. It's not an easy thing. I KNOW all about the feelings you are having or are going to have. I lost my father December 3, 2000. And my brother August 30, 2002. [As well as three grand parents since then.] Death is not an easy thing for the mind to comprehend. I still have dreams where my father and brother are there, and upon waking I have to remind myself of reality. It hurts.

Credit cards... check the policy. Some of them have a clause about death that is like life insurance and nullifies the debt upon death. We lost a LOT of money by not paying attention to that.

But the best thing, right now, is to allow yourself a good cry. Let the tears flow! Let the stress go.
Sorry pshngo. Is that a picture of your dad here? or in heaven? I can't tell, lol

I have had my share of loss, also, but you need to take it as it comes.
A minimum of three Death certificates is mucho importanté. I can't stress that enough, more if you can afford them. (usually the first 3 are free). Certain agencies will not accept copies, ie DMV, CCards, Banks, etc. The Death certificate is your biggest tool.
It will take time for this to get handled, but be persistent. The longer everything gets drug out to settle, the harder it is.

Best wishes bro, and take moments for yourself whenever you can... I MEAN IT.
I'm so sorry to hear about your losing a very dear family member. Take time to grieve.

The funeral home should be one of the best sources for info on what needs to be done and what papers need to be surrendered. Check for his will(s), if he owned his house or other property, county courthouse/clerk. Like Scoville said, be persistent and don't settle for anything until all of your questions have been answered.

Keep the faith. Keep family close.
So sorry for your loss and the intro to this chapter of Life....it's one of the toughest. And one of the most personal.

First off....breathe, eat, hydrate, sleep...you seriously need to take care of yourself first at this point. You'll need your strength as you journey this path. Sure, many, many things are expected of you right now. Questions answered, decisions made, etc....but you need to take care of yourself first right now. Keep yourself as sane as possible. Everything else will fall into place.

There's been excellent advice given in this thread. If your dad passed in a hospital, they can also give good guidance as far as the next steps to take.

Please. please....take the time to take care of yourself first. Trust - everything else can wait a bit. Know you have the support of many here. May this part of your Life Story be the best it can. Sending you my best wishes!
.....had to compose my will today for my upcoming deployment.

It's hard, and a bit weird, to think about life going on after YOU die. But, it makes things so much easier for the people you leave behind.

I feel for you.