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intense flower drop

In the last week Ive lost so many flowers on all my plants it aint even funny. Had so manylittle green flower niblets ready to pop open and 90% of them dried up and dropped. Last week I watered them pretty heavily and put them i inside to keep them outta the rain while I was away. Aphids got to a few of them which I suspect might be the issue, along with the heavy soaking keeping the soil wet for longer. They got a shot of nutes for floeering with the watering along with Cal/Mag. Did the aphids and wetter than normal conditions rape my flowers?
Outdoor conditions havent fluctuated much - nothing outta the ordinary.
Flower drop probable causes:

1. Day temp too high >95F
2. Night temp too low <65F or too high >85F
3. Too much nitrogen fertilizer
4. Too much water
5. Low light levels (reduces fertility).
6. Very low humidity (reduces fertility)
7. Poor air circulation (air circulation contributes to pollination).
8. Lack of pollinating insects.
9. Size of pot
10. Too much mineral in feedwater.
11. Too much grower attention/anxiety.
I will post pics when I get home. Willard - I went over that list and everything seems to be in check ( except for the watering part - they remained moist because I brought them inside while I was away ). Ive lost flowers before but this is so sudden and violent that it got me posting looking for advice. I had an iron def. a couple weeks ago that has corrected itself. Pics later this evening.
I think the biggest problem and the one that take some time to figure out is watering. I think its hard to finde some good system on my watering. Someone in here that could make some "chilli watering for dummies"? I would low to see some picture of correct moist soil :-)
^  A good soil moisture level is one that allows the surface of the soil to complete dry out and moisture barely evident one inch down.  Ideally the soil should not be watered thoroughly enough that water runs out the bottom (washing away water soluble nutrients) but enough that you don't find the frequency of your watering schedule to become excessive. 
Water them again when they look like they need it, a slight droop forming - except that they will also slightly droop during high temperatures without a need for water yet.  Eventually you will get a better idea of how much water they are consuming per the plant species, their size, the amount of wind and temperature so you can water when it is more convenient to your schedule but water just enough to get the plant by until the next anticipated watering.
It also depends on pot size.  An arguably undersized pot will require more frequent watering, won't allow for the first inch of soil to dry out much, and may end up causing some root rot.  Always go larger with pot size if you can, although being in Toronto you probably won't need over 10 gallons for a first year plant.
IMO if you are going to be away for long enough that you fear the plants would die from insufficient watering, that's the time to ask a neighbor to water them for you, giving instructions about how much water they should need, and delivering the plants to the neighbor if only a few and they aren't very near by so it isn't much of a burden on them.
Thanks for the insight Dave2000 - these are first year plants and will get big pots next year :)
Here are a couple pictures.  This all happened within a weeks time and most of my plants are now budless.

Budless?  I see 9 or more buds in the 2nd pic.
You lost a few previously and the timing is unfortunate but now the plant is putting more energy into leaves and stems so you'll probably get an additional fork and buds later in the season to make up for that, providing they aren't overwatered again.  This series of buds is probably going to be the last series of pods you'll get to full maturity on the plant, being in Toronto, before it needs brought in for winter to finish up the next series of pods.
Dave - this plant is the only one with flowers left ( except for my nagas who are podding like mad ).  All the others dropped their flowers so pics wouldn't do any justice.  I appreciate your input - your posts are always informative.  Hoping these plants can pump out a few fruit... I'm really excited about next year.  As much as I failed this year its an amazing - so much knowledge gained.
nzchili - I'll give 'em a spray soon - once these rains pass :)