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is this spider mites?

my orange hab...
I purchased some neem oil and have been spraying but they say results take time....
in the same area I have a few plants like this and others untouched. I can find only tiny black dots under the leaves so small to determine what they are.... my guess was spider mites...
anyone have any ideas??

Hmm, without a closeup IDK, but the plant looks pretty healthy.

I can only see a few little white dot-thingys...could ya do a macro/closeup, esp. the underside of an afected leaf?

Although...Aphids are usually green that I've seen. Do ya see legs?
do you have a magnifying glass?....

take a piece of white paper....hold it under the leaves....thump or brush the leaves and see if anything hits the paper...if any specks on the paper are moving, try and take a magnifying glass and look....
thats the thing, I dont really see anything. Tiny tiny black dots on the underside although only about 2-3 per leaf. this pepino plant was worse but I think same problem, sprayed with white oil and pyrethrum to start and the plant started to make a comeback.... cant really see in the pic but the leaves curl up and deform (can see in lower leaves) which is the same symptoms of some of my chilli's.... only sems to effect new foalage...
you can see by the shot i'm not a photographer:lol:
Doesn't look like spider mite you'd have tiny flecked discolouration same as the pic Pam showed also you would see very fine spider webs, can you show us more of a close up?
what kind of feed are you giving the plants?