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Is this stuff worth using??? Advice please......

So two years ago we had a Bhut we were going to use these but never got around to it. But that plant ended up dying. Looking through these grow posts, however, I have never seen someone using these. Are they not what I want? Thanks


You can use them as suppliments, but you're going to need more.

Neither have much Nitrogen in it, and you need nitrogen for plant growth. (first number is the amount of nitrogen - the bonemeal is 1-15-0, the fish mix is 2-0.2-6.6). So you are alright for phospate and potassium, and probably trace elements, but need a fertilizer with some nitrogen to begin with.
Something like a fert rated at 15-3-3 or similar, and then switch to those ferts you already have come flowering and budding time (as you wouldn't want to use a high nitrogen fert at flowering time, the nitrogen is just for green growth time and slows flowering anyway)
Agree with above with one small exception and it's a personal thing. 15 on the nitrogen is a bit high so I would apply something like that at half strength.
I am using Biobizz Fish Mix this year as I came by a 10l tub for a good price. I have seen stated 2 different NPK's for this and now (from your pic) I see it does come in 2 types for some reason.
The NPK on mine is 6.0 - 2.0 - 4.0 which will be a good all rounder. The one you have would be more ideal for fruiting. You can use it during growth with some N ferts as it is said to boost bacteria levels in the soil and is also good as a foliar spray, plus its omri registered so organic.
I just got some Fish Fertilizer and tried it out last night....good thing the plants are in the spare bedroom or my wife would kill me. That stuff STINKS.!
I found that a generous helping of bone meal and a bit of blood meal (heavy on the nitrogen, so use sparingly) in the planting hole supplemented with occasional fish emulsion and seaweed ferts worked wonderful last year for my in-ground plants.

Only thing to keep in mind is that critters love the smell of bone meal, blood meal, and fish ferts, so they may go digging around in your beds or pots for a few weeks. Learned this the hard way when several tomato seedlings were torn to shreds last year... I think they recommend amending the soil about 2 weeks in advance, which gives the critters time to dig around and realize there's nothing tasty hiding there.
Thanks guys, sounds like the potasium and phosphate are ok, I am also using a fertalizer for extra needs, however theses numbers don't make a lot of since to me. What are they measuring and what a good ratio?
Also should I still use worm tea? And what other things I should be using onto of what I already am?
I read other post about this, but none are very clear.