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Lime Teriyaki Chicken

I created a Lime Teriyaki marinade today. Tested it for pH, input it into a recipe template and did the nutritional analysis for it. That's all lab work.
Then I cooked it on the BGE using some mesquite wood in the charcoal. The result is even better. 

Teriyaki is so sweet and umami, I can imagine lime just cutting through and adding a nice dimension... well played!
I think it's skinless breasts.
Haha yeah I leave them on too, but to me looks like skinless, but I see the breast bone.
Could be wrong.
foodproductlaunch said:
I created a Lime Teriyaki marinade today. Tested it for pH, input it into a recipe template and did the nutritional analysis for it. That's all lab work.
Then I cooked it on the BGE using some mesquite wood in the charcoal. The result is even better. 


Wow, now I'm hungry. Looks great!
Nulle said:
It looks delish :drooling:
It was really good, if I do say so myself.  :D
The Hot Pepper said:
Teriyaki is so sweet and umami, I can imagine lime just cutting through and adding a nice dimension... well played!
Yeah, it was my recipe.  The lime added a nice touch of citrus.  It was a bit different.
sicman said:
that bird looks tastyfied!
it is bird?
Half chicken breast with bone and skin.  Organic because Publix has a nice sale going on.
sicman said:
nah skins on there. its gotta be? i hope :shocked:
Yep.  Skin and bone.  
Rymerpt said:
Wow, now I'm hungry. Looks great!
foodproductlaunch said:
Half chicken breast with bone and skin.  Organic because Publix has a nice sale going on.

Yep.  Skin and bone.  
Then you plated them upside down. :P
Or I'm crazy.