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Little Boy and his Greyhound


Extreme Member
This 9 year old little boy was walking down the road with his prized greyhound pet and decided to hitch a ride.

A city slicker in a shiny jet black mercedes pulled over and picked him up. The driver said you can ride but your dog can’t get in my car. The little boy said no worries, he is on a leash and can just run along side the car.

The driver pulled back out on the road and was running about 20 mph then asked how the dog was doing. The little boy looked out the window and said the dog was just trotting along keeping pace with the car. The driver kicked it up on up to about 40 mph and asked the little boy again how the dog was doing…same response…but the dog was trotting pretty fast now. The driver kicked it up on up to 60 mph and asked again….how’s the dog doing? the little boy looked out the window and said his dog had to break into a lope to keep up. The man could not believe it so he kicked it on up to 90 mph. This time he was sure he had left the dog in the dust. But no, when he asked the little boy about his dog….he said he is having to run pretty fast to keep up now…..

The driver could not believe this so he slammed on brakes and skidded to a stop, got out of the car and went around to the passenger side. Sure enough, the dog was standing there panting slightly looking OK. The man said he just could not believe it, but what was that sticking out of his mouth….

The little boy said “ that’s his tail, he’s not used to stopping that fast”.
I used to have a Greyhound cross :( It would be funnier if it was a different breed for me but the joke wouldn't work then. Still funny though.
I own a greyhound and I still thought it was funny, only because I know that its a joke because Greyhounds top out at around 45 mph.

If I ever saw someone do that I promise you that they could count the number of seconds they had left to live on one hand.
dreamtheatervt said:
I own a greyhound and I still thought it was funny, only because I know that its a joke because Greyhounds top out at around 45 mph.

If I ever saw someone do that I promise you that they could count the number of seconds they had left to live on one hand.

Agree 100% with you and you are right, it is a joke about how fast the greyhounds are. I used to love to watch the puppies run until I found out the harsh truth about how they were trained and treated once their racing career is over.
AlabamaJack said:
I used to love to watch the puppies run until I found out the harsh truth about how they were trained and treated once their racing career is over.

I'm not pro-Greyhound racing, but the industry has been getting better at treating them more humanely during their career...and after they are done, well let's just say mine gets spoiled to death and is showered with love by just about everyone who meets him :)
Greyhounds make brilliant family pets. Very loyal and docile. They arn't over-active either, they have short/crazy bursts of energy.
I knew this was a joke because it talked about a greyhound running. As if!

All greyhounds possess a superpower called Doe-Eyed Tragedy that they project through The Look. The greyhound in the joke would have fixed The Look on the driver, and he would have helplessly put the greyhound in the car and taken him for a nice ride. *And* that would only happen if he could push his way through the crowd that always gathers around greyhounds billing and cooing and aw'ing.

If, by some rare and improbable happenstance, the driver possessed an ancient and evil artifact made from the droppings of Cthulhu that protected him from The Look; someone in the crowd would pick the greyhound up and run beside the car before ever, ever, ever expecting or permitting the greyhound to exert himself.
You are so right Pam...absolutely...

Time to go play a gig...cya'll later..
Pam said:
All greyhounds possess a superpower called Doe-Eyed Tragedy that they project through The Look. The greyhound in the joke would have fixed The Look on the driver, and he would have helplessly put the greyhound in the car and taken him for a nice ride. *And* that would only happen if he could push his way through the crowd that always gathers around greyhounds billing and cooing and aw'ing.

Very true, its amazing how people flock to see Joepa.