• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Louiethe8th's "others" Lets go, its all COCO

Im going for 100 percent organic, 100 percent coco coir medium. Only teas as nutes with a few things added.


Seedling and veg setup.




Beans March 12

March 15

March 17

Tomato clones (salsa) March 15, They were cut March 3


March 17

Ill get all my peppers up in a week or two. Same setup for peppers.
I'll do the organic route, except for the seed germinating media (horticubes), but not that it makes that much difference. I would have to undergo three years of record keeping and possible inspections to claim Organic status. People with money to burn will pay $3/lb. for organic tomatoes in the middle of summer, or $13/dozen for eggs from organically fed, free range chickens. Those who keep track of their bank account balance will not.

Good looking organic plants. But give me the preservative-loaded processed stuff. At my age, I need all the help I can get! :rofl:


What kind ya growin?

And, I have also heard great things about bat guano, but haven't used it. I didn't know there were different kinds though! Mexican and American? Looks like they even have different n-p-k's?

Live and learn!

Lookin good Louie!
Thank ya, Thank ya!!

A quick note about the STG cubes (horticubes) I ONLY use these for clones NOT seed. Seeds get started in coco. Ahh yes, the beans...2 kinds, top crop, and a generic green bean. Tomatoes are salsa and Beef steak.

thehothalf....nice name btw....I couldnt find my pepper seeds to save my life so I went out last week and bought some more. So they should be sprouted and get going in a week or 2. I wanted my peppers to be my main crop this year, but with the late start im not sure this will happen....fingers crossed!!

Bat Shit!!!...This is the first year Ive tried it, but ive heard nothing but praise from it. And ya, there are a lot of different kinds, I use the Mexican for veg (high nitrogen) and the Jamaican for bloom (high phosphorus)

I have some cucumbers going too, so ill get those pics up this weekend... :lol:
I too like to grow as organically as possible but "organic" has really just become a buzz word and the definition has become manipulated by corporate farms and others toward their own best interests. In other words 100% organic rarely really means 100% organic even with expensive inspections and certificates.
I think for 100% organic you also need to start out with certified organic seeds which might be difficult to locate for rare types.
POTAWIE...I think for 100% organic you also need to start out with certified organic seeds which might be difficult to locate for rare types.
"organic" has really just become a buzz word

I agree....I thought about getting certified for some of the peppers I grow (organic seeds) but its not a big deal unless I had a business or sold my products at a farmers market. This is the first time im using only "organic" products. The main reason is, Im going for fungi, tricodermah (sp?), and beneficial bacteria in my coco to break down the organic material and feed my plants.

My main background is hydroponics!!! My FAVE!!! I just wanted to expand my knowledge and learn something new. Ill get some of my hydro setups in the "grow tec" section because they are all DIY setups.
if you ever want to make you own nutes and fertilizer google Indigenous microorganisms its a hole lot cheaper and better for the plants. when you eat a tomatoe that is sweet, you can say it you made it that way.
have been growing peppers and vegs about 5 years with home made stuff work great.
if you ever want to make you own nutes and fertilizer goole Indigenous microorganisms its a hole lot cheaper and better for the plants. when you eat a tomatoe that is sweet, you can say it you made it that way.
have been growing peppers and vegs about 5 years with home made stuff work great.

Not sure what you mean by this?? I guess I get the part about "growing" indigenous microorganisms, but Im making my own brew of "tea" with beneficial bacteria, microorganisms, and fungi from different amendments including local compost, guanos, forest humus, and EWC, and feeding these microorganisms with molasses and fish & kelp mix. Im all about microorganisms and living soil!! Ive never had better results!!

The beans are Top Crop and Contender.
I'm lost on this thread. Could you give this lame noobie an overview of what is going on? I get it you're using the Coco as a medium, but does this mean the plants then get moved into a hydro set-up? Give me a run down of what you intend for the beans and cuke production in Wyoming in the early Spring?

Will they ever get moved outside or is this an entirely inside job?

There must be something going right over the top of my lil pea brain..... :cool:
SILIMAN - Could you give this lame noobie an overview of what is going on?

Ya no problem. All the veggies I have here will go outside this summer. If I get my hoop house up and running they will go out May 1, but if the hoop house doesnt get built, then they will go out June 1. In my yard I have 4 raised beds with soil in them. I also have an area to put plants in containers and grow bags with 100% coco. So, some plants will be transplanted to the raised beds (soil) and some will go in 5 gal containers (coco), and some will go into 2 gal grow bags (coco). I guess where the hydro comes into play is...since Im using 100% coco for some plants, this is considered "soil less", well technically soil less IS hydroponics, no matter what the medium is. The nutes for the entire grow will be different home brewed teas, with a cal-mag supplement. Well I hope I didnt confuse you more...Its early :lol: Any other questions, please ask!!!
Thanks, LouieT8. That clarifies a lot. The growing of the beans and cukes in Wyoming this early threw me off. Just wondering how big they will get before they get into ground! I enjoy your take on organics and teas. Very helpful.... :cool: