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Making Hot Sauce with Capsaisin Crystals

I know that doesn't sound very appealing but I have capsaisin (sp?) crystals that I want to experiment with. I want to make a death sauce but obviously not one that will put anyone in the hospital (including myself when I cook with it). Do you guys have suggestions of what I can do with them?
throw it away and grow some Scorpions instead...

really...it is tasteless and kinda bad news...
Growing my own peppers is my ultimate goal. I want to do it right and I think this site can give me the tools to do that. I am stuck with the crystals and figured I might as well play around with them if possible. I am kind of afraid of what they might do to me if mistreated.
Don't feel bad Andrew this is my first year trying to grow peppers as well. I'm starting out with just 6 plants (2 habs, 2 jalapenos, and 2 cayennes.) I don't have much of a green thumb yet so I figure better start small and hope to have some luck with at least one of them.
Usually the intent of capsaicin is to make stuff hot enough to kill. It's tasteless and is just pure burn. The only thing I could see using it for is making a sauce with milder peppers and kicking the heat up with a little extract/crystal.

Or you could put it in your boss' coffee. Or your buddy's beer.
Is it honestly going to be so bad that I don't even want to think about it? Right now flavor isn't my main concern. If I were to add it to a standard hot sauce will it just make it taste awful and I'll want to die? I am not new to things that are so hot they have no flavor. I own the Source which is just stupid hot.
Honestly I would be willing to try it. I am a glutton for punishment :hell: and would sacrifice taste to try it once. Here is a video of Darth Naga eating some pure crystal.
it isn't pretty.
as others have stated leave the crystals alone!! keep it as a collectable. Grow or buy some good scorpians, nagas, or bhut jolokia if you want some heat...but the heat from thjose peppers comes with a great flavor as well!!
Extract = :sick:

Grow something with heat and flavor!
He's not talking about the nasty extract liquid with ketone flavor. it's pure Capsaicin my friend. it has no real flavor, just heat.

Hurricane Andrew, I think you just hit the jackpot my friend. use the crystals very carefully as they're pure heat and make sure you only add them after reaching boiling when making sauces, as boiling it will ruin all the heat.
Is it honestly going to be so bad that I don't even want to think about it? Right now flavor isn't my main concern. If I were to add it to a standard hot sauce will it just make it taste awful and I'll want to die? I am not new to things that are so hot they have no flavor. I own the Source which is just stupid hot.
Crystal is completely tasteless, so it won't alter the flavor. In-order to release the heat, dissolve the crystal in warm alcohol. Or simmering liquid just below boiling as Omri said^^

Good luck experimenting!
