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tutorial Making some puree today...will post pics of the process....it's easy....

I need to learn how to get enough heat and yet not over use my pods of supers.
I have a good sauce that I use hab/serrano.
Its a really good brew.
I wanna do moruga/primo additions on a 10-5oz bottle run.
Do I just add 10 moruga and 10 primo and call it good or should I add a few extra pods to insure a solid measure of discomfort?
My recipe contains no vinegar fwiw
TNKS said:
I need to learn how to get enough heat and yet not over use my pods of supers.
I have a good sauce that I use hab/serrano.
Its a really good brew.
I wanna do moruga/primo additions on a 10-5oz bottle run.
Do I just add 10 moruga and 10 primo and call it good or should I add a few extra pods to insure a solid measure of discomfort?
How many habs.serranos do you use? 1/10th of that with a super would still be hotter :)
I just weighed a few diff types of supers and most are between 6 and 11 pods for 100 grams.
Naga Puree - I never vary from AJ's recipe (not even a little bit).  I ran out of jars or would have made some more.

Terry , great color on your Naga Puree !
I've got a pot of yellow on the stove as I type. 
Unfortunately mine is a two day process and neither that nor my Gold and Black ..Scotch Bonnet sauce will be ready for the 1st "Hawkeye"  tailgate Saturaday....
I know, I know ...Go Illini !       ..... :P
PIC 1 said:
Terry , great color on your Naga Puree !
I've got a pot of yellow on the stove as I type. 
Unfortunately mine is a two day process and neither that nor my Gold and Black ..Scotch Bonnet sauce will be ready for the 1st "Hawkeye"  tailgate Saturaday....
I know, I know ...Go Illini !       ..... :P
You sent me a bottle of the SB a few years ago . . . Loved the sauce . . . can't say that I care for the Hawkeyes!  Take care.
Made 2 small batches today following AJ's recipe. Batch 1 was 130 grams of nagabrain red and 70 grams of Jimmy Nardello's, and batch 2 used 200 grams of yellow 7 pots. 120ml of vinegar, 2tsp agave nectar and 1/2 tsp of salt for each batch. Didn't cook mine down as long though as I was looking for a "runnier" sauce. Don't have a pressure canner yet so hot water bathed each for 15 minutes. Came out with roughy 1 1/4 8oz jars of each.
Yellow 7's ready to go

End result
I tried AJ's recipe last night with 200 grams of frozen Yellow Nagas, 120 mL white vinegar, 2 tsp agave, and 1/2 tsp sea salt. I'm a newb a making sauces, most efforts have been epic failures. This is the first one that I made that tastes good. Although, I'm pretty sure I cooked mine down more than I should. Instead of a puree, it ended being closer to a paste or somewhere in between. I was cooking it down on the porch last night using a propane cook stove. I had the heat on low, but it was still a little too hot, especially for the small batch. I kept stirring it, and lifting off the heat as needed so it wouldn't scorch. I made a bamboo skewer measuring stick, but was hard to read. And when it got so thick it wouldn't level out in the bottom. Next batch I'll use more stuff and try in the daytime. 
So anyway, after it was done, I dipped the tip of a spoon into it and tried it. The taste was really good, then came a lot of heat. I'm going to mixing some in chilli for lunch today. I didn't take many pics, but here's one of it cooking down, and finished product. The smaller batches are good for now until I can acquire the tools for canning.
Thanks AJ for the recipe. This gives me a lot of confidence toward trying more purees. 

PeterS, ya done good for your first batch.  Great color and you worked it to keep from scorching.  If it's too thick, just add a bit of water back into it.  You will find that a little bit of that Naga puree will go a loooong way. 
Chii Monsta and salsalady, thanks for the kind words and encouragement. I tried for lunch, and a little dab went well in a bowl of chili (which was pretty hot to begin with). Coworkers across the table said my face was turning red.  :P Can't wait to experiment more. I have a bunch of chilies in the freezer.

Hi all. If I wanted to scale down this recipe to about 20 - 25 grams of fresh peppers how much vinegar, agave nectar, and sea salt would you recommend?
Also, I don't do much cooking at home so forgive me if this is a dumb question. After combining all of the ingredients into the blender (after de-seeding the peppers of course) and transferring into the pot should I let it come to boil first then simmer and reduce by 25%?
40 Brown Moruga pods in a 1.5qt batch still required 10 reaper pods to bring in the heat
Just my experiences . . . . . . . (wont waste the time to do it again)
They were PL strain browns just to be clear on the heat source,never again
Tony Cappello said:
Hi all. If I wanted to scale down this recipe to about 20 - 25 grams of fresh peppers how much vinegar, agave nectar, and sea salt would you recommend?
Also, I don't do much cooking at home so forgive me if this is a dumb question. After combining all of the ingredients into the blender (after de-seeding the peppers of course) and transferring into the pot should I let it come to boil first then simmer and reduce by 25%?
Uhhmm. is this serious? 
Just do the math!  I'll get you started.  20 grams is what percentage of 100 grams?    20%!!!! 
Do the math on the rest.  
What is 20% of 60ml vinegar? 
What is 20% of agave?
OK, I know I'm being a little snarky here.  But seriously.....I know there's a lot of thing in question when making sauces and such, but basic math should not be one of them.
as a side note, as what was referenced before, the quantities talked about are so small I'm not sure if it could even be cooked.  Well, I suppose it could...very carefully...
For this small of quantity, by the time it gets cooked it will probably be reduced enough.  Sounds it won't be "canned" so don't worry about how long to cook it.  Simmer it for a few minutes, reduce it to the desired consistency, stick it in a container and keep it refrigerated. 