pests More insects...but what are they this time? (warning, images of squished not open if of a

Finding these ones under the plant pots so largely in the soil, but they're too fast, all I can get is a microscope photo of a squished one! 

edit - found another! 

To put a scale on them, they're about 1.5mm and they run quite fast. And most certainly aren't thrips today, although they are around the same size as thrips. 
Any ideas?? I wouldn't know where to do you decide if they're beneficial, nasty or neutral?
[Beginning to think I should never have bought that microscope...]
geeme said:
They do a bit, don't they. But we don't get those in the UK, or at least, very rarely....
Wahey - an answer from your termite idea, I googled "insects that look like termites" and found the answer in the oddest fashion.

Psocoptera aka booklouse
They eat bark so that'll be why they're in my compost. 
Still, I don't want them in the house...the joys of growing indoors eh. 