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Morons once again doing what morons do best

AaronB said:
public schooling is equal schooling. education is better for all people at all times.
vocations arent indefinite. farming > industrial > services > ???    
problem is, with mechanization, the wealthy cannot support their indentured, purposely poorly-educated population, and the market shall remove its nose despite the grinning gob and canabalize.
sadly, many onlookers (the not 1%), are fooled to believe 'the they' are the enemy rather than the family.
sigh. all people have a place, side by side, at the same table, with duty to one another as much as to the table itself.
equal education is a duty of humanity as stewards of this planet. the lack thereof is our greatest failing. 
im part of everyone. im not special. but i am the same as you and everyone else.
empathy feels good. dont tell your gym teacher.
Sorry, but there's no such thing as "equal" education.  Not everyone (as unfortunate as it may be) is given the same capacity to receive all things in life, equally.  And when you pretend they are, you do EVERYONE a disservice.  What's "good for all" is always "bad for some".  A perfectly logical paradox. 
Vocations might not be permanent, but there will (at least for the forseeable future) be vocations that evolve to meet some need in whatever incarnation of the world that people happen to live in.  And I'd dare to say that it's a hell of a lot better to have a "stupid" person working, and being productive, than pretending that you're going to cram a brainful of academia into them (and it's certainly better than forcing them to try to receive an education that they can't capably absorb, only to run up a disciplinary record in the process, that sets the tone for their life, post-schooling).  That's utter tosh.   Yes, all people DO have their places.  But you're failing to understand the gravity of your own statement, and are rather making my point for me.
"Stewards of the planet"?  Says who?  Did I miss the orientation?

You're part of everyone.  Great.  I always loved dating new age girls that believed that shit.  But you are not the same as me, and I am not the same as you. If you think we are, then every horrible thing that I've ever done in my life, is your fault, and nobody is responsible for anything. (actually, thanks for helping me understand that )
Being vegan also feels great.  Don't tell your cat.
Demented said:
Equally left behind perhaps.
Everyone should equally get the chance to find out if education is their path.  But we, as a society, shouldn't be forcing all people down that path.  When it becomes clear that it isn't working out for some people...  have a plan B!
And a plan C, D, E, etc......
solid7 said:
Everyone should equally get the chance to find out if education is their path.  But we, as a society, shouldn't be forcing all people down that path.  When it becomes clear that it isn't working out for some people...  have a plan B!
I agree. Still just sucks that chance to find out if education is right isn't equal between everyone.
Demented said:
I agree. Still just sucks that chance to find out if education is right isn't equal between everyone.
No doubt.  But it also sucks finding out that you don't have equal intelligence, equal height, equal good looks, equal Johnson size, etc.  Life gives you what it gives you, and the rest is up to you.  Everyone in this world, who isn't terminal from the get-go, is able to achieve something.  But we live in a world that likes to compare us to others, rather than helping us find our own individual strengths.
I think thats where I lucked out with the schooling I got before public school. They pushed me towards my strengths and learning what I actually needed to help me. Public school tried to undo that.
Demented said:
I think thats where I lucked out with the schooling I got before public school. They pushed me towards my strengths and learning what I actually needed to help me. Public school tried to undo that.
Amen to that.
If you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding.   How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?