Move over Finex, look at the new Kickstarter

salsalady said:
wonder if a grinder would fit inside the dutch oven.... :think: ....or the wok....
I did my 8" with a 4" grinder and a flapper sanding wheel. Worked well and only took maybe 20 minutes. Those flapper wheels are aggressive but leave a smooth surface.
Scoville DeVille said:
To sand the wok I would use one of these: they fit on any drill.
No, you need these
Scoville DeVille said:

Calm down. I was showing SL that sanding disks fit on drills to fit in her dutch oven.
Go pfffft yourself.
No, a lodge skillet I have.
You were missing my point. It would take forever with a battery drill and a sanding disk. A grinder and flapper wheel make quick work of it. you can always follow up with sandpaper to get a finer finish, but take all the bumps off with a grinder.
How are you gonna fit a grinder in a dutch oven?
Answer me that smarty pants! :rofl:
You were missing my point. The actual sanding medium wasn't my point. My point was the machines to fit in a dutch oven, and a flexible sanding backer to fit the contour of a wok
Both of you missed it, double negative, you are both right.
Scovie, I dunno how to work all them power tools.  Can you come down here and show me????  ;)  ;)
I'll make alfredo~~~~~  ;) ;) 
then CJ and I will sit and watch you and Salsa Dude do your manly man stuff....
salsalady said:
watch you and Salsa Dude do your manly man stuff....
What, drinking Ron Rico and staring at a truck?
I'm game.
pffft you don't know how to use power tools. that GIANT 3-½" drill bit ain't gonna turn itself!
And that wire puller thingamajig. That's more electric voodoo. LOL
Here is the deal buy an old CI skillet, dutch oven pre 50's and you will get a smooth glass like finish. That's how they made them back then. I have well over 50 old pieces of cast iron dating from the late 1800's - 1950's and they are all smooth, like glass. I wouldn't waste my time grinding a cast iron piece to smooth it out not when you can find them in thrift stores, garage sales, craigslist etc..... under $20.00
PS- you do not have to pay the high price of an old Griswold or Wagner to get good quality. With those you pay for the name and don't get me wrong they are great quality CI but you can get lesser known names that were made just as well for pennies on the dollar. I have several Griswold and Wagner from the early to mid 1900's but I have several other brands that are just as good quality.