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My first and only question.

I have a bag of habenero's in my freezer, and I'm wondering if the seeds are still viable? I'm thinking about germinating, and giving it a try, but I don't want to go mucking through a bag of peppers, if it's pointless. If the answer is no, where's a good place to start for pepper seeds? I just bought a tall propagation dome, and a T5 light, I also won 25, 3 gallon smart pots from an monthly online contest, now I just need the seed, I would like to try a large variety, so where do you guys buy seeds?
Chances are the seeds are no longer good -- figure water expands when frozen so if the seeds were still in the pods when frozen the expansion of the water inside the seeds when frozen would destroy the embryo. (a few may still be viable if the water content was low enough so you could always try but you'd be better off getting seeds that were properly removed and stored - figure even seeds directly out of a fresh pod will be fine so you could go to the local store that carries them and get a pod or 2 and remove those seeds.)
I think the seeds would be viable. I've read a few posts of people harvesting seeds from frozen pods.

Of course I've also heard about people winning the lottery, so maybe buying seeds isn't a bad idea.
I counted 2 questions there, LOL :D

Whoever you buy seeds from, they will not have ever been frozen.
As a rule freezing seeds is a no-no.

Like coheed said, post something in the marketplace.
And whatever you do, STAY AWAY FROM EBAY.

just my 2¢
I would give it a shot seeds freeze all the time and still germinate. Take them out let them dry out good and give it a shot. Think you will be fine. Can't hurt to try. Every thing around here in the winter freezes and I have volunteer peppers from pods I just left hanging in the garden come up.

Try the frozen seeds. They may just educate you with valuable lessons about growing them out, and the more the merrier for success. As far as freezing seeds being a no no "rule", check these links out.



Key words to look for are stored in SUB-ZERO conditions. I doubt your freezer is colder than that.

Edit: Vacuum sealing seeds for freezer storage is the preferred method, locking out air and water.
I have some seeds from frozen peppers I couldn't get to germinate, but it could just be it was too hot outside when I tried them, I have good seed I had issues with germinating at the same time....
In my limited experience, pepper seeds and especially super hot pepper seeds are very difficult to get going and some of them are even slower to grow as plants. My first ever Bhuts are only 9inches tall and I started them in March. It also took a lot of seeds to get a few that would germinate. Now I will learn about overwintering. Guess it never ends.