My first garden

I just bought a nine pack of Jalapenos and a nine pack of Cayenne peppers from Home Depot. I put them in my wifes flower pots that she just transplanted. They are a combination of 1 and 3 gallon buckets. I'm new to gardening and thought I would give it a try to see if its a hobbie that i would be interested in or not. Now I got pots spead-out all through my yard. If i stick with it, i'll build me a raised garden next year.


P.S. I bought 2 tomato plants also and put them in 5 gallon buckets.
Awesome stuff, Gengar! From here on in, you're only gonna end up with more and more... I guarantee! ;)

Gday and welcome from Australia!

And be pepper obsessed like the rest of us! :D

Welcome from New zealand, and good luck with your garden
Welcome from Fort Worth
Welcome from Lake Constance, Germany!

Jalapenos and Cayennes are great. But you'll be growing, cooking and eating hotter varieties in no time.