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harvesting My first good harvest 10-16-2009

I didn't start any of my plants until the end of May, so I'm a little behind. But all the effort is paying off. I have been picking a few pods everyday for the past few weeks, but this is the first time I have gotten anything like this.

The ones in the bag are "Hottie" habs(almost 3 pounds in one harvest) Yellow Scotch Bonnets, Red Savina, Chocolate Hab(was supposed to be a Red Savina), and Bhut Jolokia.

Very nice harvest rds!, thats very impressive for 4 months.
Pretty sure mine have been going longer than 4 months, still waiting on some ripe pods ;)

Wish I had one of those nice Yellow Scotch Bonnets with my dinner earlier.....YUM!!!
Sweet! And hot looking!

Got to envy you guys down south - as soon as I get the chance, all my plants get pulled up and added to the compost pile. It is suppose to get down in the lower 30s Saturday night/Sunday morning.

Thank for the kind words. The 2 months of 100+ weather had an impact on my plants. Our weather is really cooling off here, but not like everywhere else. It was 93 Thursday and probably only 75 today. It is supposed to get into the 50s at night over the weekend.
I would be happy if our high temp was 50 with sunshine! I don't know what planet Al Gore is living on, but since the start of July, this has been the coolest weather I have experienced ever. Not one day with the temp reaching 90.

My only hope is that *average yearly temps* are just that - it would mean this winter should be one of the warmest on record.

Beautiful pods rds. Congratz on the great harvest!

Weather here is cooling off. 45F for the low tonight, 40F tomorrow night and 37F Sunday night. The peppers don't like it but the collards do. :)
Luckily, I will probably get around the same amounts again in the next few days if this cool weather doesn't have some kind of negative effect on my plants
Good to hear that you are getting some good harvests. Looking at these pics has made me miss my plants already. Damn season change and end....