My new pepper - Sort of

Long story made short: Bought some Bubblegum 7 seeds that were not Bubblegum 7.  They gave me white, yellow, and red pods.  All smoother and smaller than Bubblegum 7.  Not sure if folk will understand when I say they do not have that strawberry look about them like the 7 Pot Bubblegum.

That was last year.  Offered a few to folk, but not many cause those small pods have very few seeds and I had very few plants.  Started some of those seeds middle of last season and they started podding under lights.  Moved those plants outdoors and planted their seeds this season.  Have been wanting a small pepper to use as packing peanuts when I sell boxes of larger peppers.  Thinking if I can get enough seed stock from this year, these will be it for next year.

It is nothing special, just kind of cute.  Since they were supposed to be 'Bubblegum' my wife said I should call them 'chiclets'.  So what do you think?  Is it funny enough to avoid getting into pepper wars if someone else has a more official white or yellow bubblegum?  I mean I didn't invent them.  I am just isolating and refining them.

Idea would be not to sell them, but to use them as packing peanuts.  When they start to come ripe, announce it is chiclet days.  I do think they would be really good in stir fry.  Kind of a spicy little surprise for folk.  But mainly I just think the name is funny.

Thoughts ???
NorthernHeat said:
You may end up with a cease and desist letter eventually with that name, but until then I like it :)
Ye, there is that.  I do very much support intellectual property rights but can't imagine a joke like that harming anyone.  Tastes just like chiclets.  But ye, big business doesnt tend to have a sense of humor.  I am now imagining a disclaimer that says something about how real chiclets do not have a stem sticking up from one end.
D3monic said:
I am putting some in with a box of full sized bubblegum tomorrow.  Will take a picture before I send it out.  They are just small rounded smooth things, often with that stem bleed.  There is a thread called White Bubblegum where i put a picture of some of the first.  I just like them because of the joke calling them chiclets.
AJ Drew said:
Ye, there is that.  I do very much support intellectual property rights but can't imagine a joke like that harming anyone.  Tastes just like chiclets.  But ye, big business doesnt tend to have a sense of humor.  I am now imagining a disclaimer that says something about how real chiclets do not have a stem sticking up from one end.
I am putting some in with a box of full sized bubblegum tomorrow.  Will take a picture before I send it out.  They are just small rounded smooth things, often with that stem bleed.  There is a thread called White Bubblegum where i put a picture of some of the first.  I just like them because of the joke calling them chiclets.
Call them "Chicle" its spanish for bubble gum, therefor no copy or trade infringement. Pronounced cheek-lay