• If you have a question about commercial production or the hot sauce business, please post in Startup Help.

Natural Crit (Ghost, Fresno, Jalapeno, Garlic)

In celebration of 2020, I've decided to name my first sauce made with superhots "Natural Crit."

Nerds will get the joke.
Ghost Peppers: 28g (7 Peppers)
Fresnos: 90g (~4 Peppers)
Jalapenos: 160g (~7 Peppers)
Bell Pepper: 138.7g (1 Pepper)
Garlic: 188.7g (7 Heads)
Carrot: 76.7g
Cayenne Powder: 18g (2 TBsp)
Red Pepper Flake: 12g (2 TBsp)
Salt: 40g (just over 5% by weight of material)
2 Cups Distilled Water.


Washed out some White Oak, Hickory, and Applewood chips in distilled water and let them sit to release the tannins, then dried them out in the oven before immersing them in the ferment.