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need help for growing brain strains, yellow scorps, and choc bhuts

my setup is very basic. A plastic job lot green house next 2 a wood-stove with a uv light lamp and egg cartons to grow the seedlings in. before i plant them, im gonna soak the seeds in water for a day before planting. any helpful tips would be wonderful :)

Live :drunk: and prosper!!
my opinion is keeping the soil moist is similar to soaking them just one less step. I just tried the natural 30 count egg tray and after 9 days I have 2 seeds that sprouted so far.
I would suggest using a heat mat instead of a UV lamp. With a heat mat the heat comes from the bottom and won't dry out the top of the soil
What i do is soak my seeds in an inch or two per cup of warm distilled water and hydrogen peroxide for a few hrs. If you are going to do alot of seeds dump out about 1/4 gallon of the distilled water into a spray bottle, then dump in 16 oz of hydrogen peroxide back into the distilled water jug and shake to mix. If you are not doing that many seeds just mix in about 1/2 tsp of hydrogen peroxide per inch or two in a cup and stir. Put your seeds in individual labled cups and let soak for an hr or two. This helps to sanitize the seeds from bacterial infection. After soaking rinse the seeds with luke warm water and rinse out your cups with water. Then let your seeds soak in water over night for 8-12 hrs. After that put them in jiffy pellets, then throw a towel over your heat mat then put your seed tray on the heat mat. Oh ya i forgot to tell you to spray the top if the pellets with warm waterafter you put the seeds in them. Anyways put pellets in a seed tray then puf your seed tray on the covered heat mat. Put a plastic dome lid cover over the seed tray. I suggest buying a soil thermometer and a thermostat for your germinating process. I had almost every plant sprout by the seventh day doing it this way. Mist the top of the pellets every two days to keep pellets moist. As soon as you see first hooks get them under the lights asap! Heres a link on my germination set up!

Check out this link there is a pic of my nice cheap little germination set up.http://www.thehotpepper.com/topic/26871-first-sprout-on-100th-post/

Make sure your thermostat temp is 82-85
Naga's and scorpions seem more difficult to start and grow than others, my scorpions are going very slowly, in fact I can't identify if they are stull growing or not....
I have 5 brain strain seedlings going mad, I treat them a little worse than they should, cause they are still somewhat young you can see the leaves getting affected by all the heat, they're usually noraml by sunset though.

Just take care of them like any other pepper plant, and they will thrive. Be careful when eating them though, cause until you do, you will never be ready for them, I know from experience, they're a wonderful pepper, and far hotter than anything I've ever tried, including the scorpions.
my setup is very basic. A plastic job lot green house next 2 a wood-stove with a uv light lamp and egg cartons to grow the seedlings in. before i plant them, im gonna soak the seeds in water for a day before planting. any helpful tips would be wonderful :)

Live :drunk: and prosper!!

Not everyone is gonna know what Job Lot is...lol I'm interested to know how it works out for you.