New grower with questions

I've been reading heaps of amazing info here, hoping someone can help me out with a couple of things, Aussie growers I'm looking at you  ;)
I have a few plants that I've grown from seed (first timer!), germinated in late November. and the plants now range from 10cm tall to about 12 cm tall. Several sets of true leaves.
They're in pots on my balcony ( I live in Sydney), and from what I've read on THP and the photos I've seen I get the impression that the plants should be bigger than that by now. Is this a reasonable size?
Purple Tigers are a bit spindly and have whitish, light coloured patches on the leaves. I'll get some photos when I get home from work. Anyone know what these patches might be?
Habanero and Scotch bonnets are compact and healthy looking. Just small.
Maybe I'm impatient is all?
Feeding them with Charlie Carp organic liquid food, weekly the bigger ones, fortnightly the babies. Good feeding plan?
I also bought some seedling from Bunninnings a couple of weeks ago, how does everyone rate the plants they've bought from there?
Jalapeno has some pods on it, Cayenne does too but got hit by aphids the other day (I seem to be winning that fight though). Also bought a Orange Manzano that is probably 50cm tall, plenty of growth, but has no pods. There were 2 or 3 little purple flowers 2 weeks ago but they fell off.
Also is it too late to try germinating a some more seeds? Will they have a chance to grow before cooler weather starts?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Too many possibilities without photos, but regarding the light, whitish patches, could be too much sun too soon. I'm assuming you've read about hardening off - the process of slowly acclimating seedlings you've started indoors to the great outdoors. They must be protected from too much sun and wind at first, and slowly brought out for longer periods each day until they acclimate.
Size? Oy. That depends on so much, including variety, temperatures, food, etc. They're only a month old, though? Give them a little more time. Once they get acclimated to the sun, they'll start taking off. Feeding? Depends on the strength and what you're using. Your plants don't need much just yet, so you have to be careful they don't get fertilizer burn. The first sign of fertilizer burn is the leaves will kind of pucker. If that happens, back off on the ferts and just give plain water for a few weeks.
The seedlings you bought? Probably they are too young to truly handle pods yet. Many people here pull off the flowers to let the plants focus on growth while they're still small. If the plant expends its energy on pods too soon, it will remain small and you won't have much production. Best wishes on the aphids. They have a fiercely fast reproductive cycle, and I find that either getting ladybugs or hitting them daily with insecticidal soap (or neem) is about all you can do to win that battle. Ladybugs are most efficient, but you can't use them after you've already sprayed insecticide, as that will kill them, too.
Can you germinate more seeds? SURE! Many of us grow in pots and bring our plants indoors when cold weather hits, which is called overwintering (or "ow" for short). I've got some rocotos ripening, never mind it's about -16C here right now.
Best wishes on your grow season!
Purple tigers can have variegated leaves. Can be a mixture of green, white, and purple, or either green or purple with white depending on the source. So yours might be fine if that's the case.
Hope someone else from down under can help you with the other questions.
How big are your pots? Temps in Sydney should be good to go for potting up. Are your plants outside?
geeme said:
Too many possibilities without photos, but regarding the light, whitish patches, could be too much sun too soon. I'm assuming you've read about hardening off - the process of slowly acclimating seedlings you've started indoors to the great outdoors. They must be protected from too much sun and wind at first, and slowly brought out for longer periods each day until they acclimate.
Size? Oy. That depends on so much, including variety, temperatures, food, etc. They're only a month old, though? Give them a little more time. Once they get acclimated to the sun, they'll start taking off. Feeding? Depends on the strength and what you're using. Your plants don't need much just yet, so you have to be careful they don't get fertilizer burn. The first sign of fertilizer burn is the leaves will kind of pucker. If that happens, back off on the ferts and just give plain water for a few weeks.
The seedlings you bought? Probably they are too young to truly handle pods yet. Many people here pull off the flowers to let the plants focus on growth while they're still small. If the plant expends its energy on pods too soon, it will remain small and you won't have much production. Best wishes on the aphids. They have a fiercely fast reproductive cycle, and I find that either getting ladybugs or hitting them daily with insecticidal soap (or neem) is about all you can do to win that battle. Ladybugs are most efficient, but you can't use them after you've already sprayed insecticide, as that will kill them, too.
Can you germinate more seeds? SURE! Many of us grow in pots and bring our plants indoors when cold weather hits, which is called overwintering (or "ow" for short). I've got some rocotos ripening, never mind it's about -16C here right now.
Best wishes on your grow season!
Thanks heaps for your advice Geeme.
I've not heard that about not letting pods grow on small plants, but makes sense, I'd rather a larger plant with plenty of pods later than a small plant with 3 pods now!

So this is one of my 2 purple tigers that is showing white patches on the leaves.
Can anyone tell me if this is part of the natural coloration of purple tiger or is something else at play here?
And please also let me know if the pic doesn't show?!?!
Somatic said:
So this is one of my 2 purple tigers that is showing white patches on the leaves.
Can anyone tell me if this is part of the natural coloration of purple tiger or is something else at play here?
And please also let me know if the pic doesn't show?!?!
pic is good.
seems normal like normal leaf discoloration..


Haha that's great then. I thought the leaves would be just people and green.
Obviously the white threw me!
Thanks OK