fertilizer New guy...have I over fertilized? What have I done?!?!

Keep foliage dry, especially during the mid day sun blasts and wait it out before adding anything.  First 2 post had it right. Best of luck.
queequeg152 said:
its probably not ammonium toxicity then. excess can be caused by cold temps as soil microbs slow down. when it warms up again it usually goes away.ammonium is very difficult to wash out of soil, so flushing will not do much unless you have an insane excess.i asked earlier... but did this show up during a cold spell?
It went down to 41 last night, but I had them covered. This started showing up before that, though. Last 3 weeks have been 70s-80s day, high 40-60s at night. Been covering them when it dips below 45
hndrx1477 said:
It went down to 41 last night, but I had them covered. This started showing up before that, though. Last 3 weeks have been 70s-80s day, high 40-60s at night. Been covering them when it dips below 45
Just a guess...
When do you take off the covers? Could perhaps moisture build up inside the covers over night then get burned onto the plants from the sun?
Just a guess from someone who doesnt use covers. Id ditch the covers(unless in the 30's) and leave them be for atleast a week, then peep the new growth. IMO
hndrx1477 said:
It went down to 41 last night, but I had them covered. This started showing up before that, though. Last 3 weeks have been 70s-80s day, high 40-60s at night. Been covering them when it dips below 45
like i said earlier, its probably not ammonium then.  id say ammonium toxicity is more common with folks who dabble in osmocote than anything organic. cheap CRF is known to dump urea and ammonia during very high temps(ask me how i know)
just let them grow out for a while.  that fish stuff you linked is very weak stuff, unless the soil you are using is stupid high in organic matter, its unlikely you ever over fertilized.
havent really been following the thread much so idk if this has been discussed yet, but phosphate is almost never a critical nutrient deficiency. plants need very little phosphate, and there is usually an overabundance even in non clay rich soils... sandy loam or what ever. even so called phosphate demanding crops rarely need huge amounts of phosphate.
i remember reading something like 3/4 tobacco farming operations were over applying phosphate and wasting tons of cash and raising potential runoff issues.
truth is shit just happens to plants some times. not every anomalous growth is a symptom of some critical problem. you need to wait for the problem to become generalized over the whole plant. before you can make any real determinations. 
queequeg152 said:
like i said earlier, its probably not ammonium then.  id say ammonium toxicity is more common with folks who dabble in osmocote than anything organic. cheap CRF is known to dump urea and ammonia during very high temps(ask me how i know)
just let them grow out for a while.  that fish stuff you linked is very weak stuff, unless the soil you are using is stupid high in organic matter, its unlikely you ever over fertilized.
havent really been following the thread much so idk if this has been discussed yet, but phosphate is almost never a critical nutrient deficiency. plants need very little phosphate, and there is usually an overabundance even in non clay rich soils... sandy loam or what ever. even so called phosphate demanding crops rarely need huge amounts of phosphate.
i remember reading something like 3/4 tobacco farming operations were over applying phosphate and wasting tons of cash and raising potential runoff issues.
truth is shit just happens to plants some times. not every anomalous growth is a symptom of some critical problem. you need to wait for the problem to become generalized over the whole plant. before you can make any real determinations. 
Brocoli said:
Just a guess...
When do you take off the covers? Could perhaps moisture build up inside the covers over night then get burned onto the plants from the sun?
Just a guess from someone who doesnt use covers. Id ditch the covers(unless in the 30's) and leave them be for atleast a week, then peep the new growth. IMO
Ill typically take them off when I get up in the morning, around 6am!
I have left them be for the last 3 weeks, they are all rebounding nicely.  Good healthy green color, beginning to bud.

Starting to bud now, anybody have thoughts on when to resume fertilizing...I was planning on switching to a 2-7-3 tomato fertilizer, all organic.