I believe this monster came from seed from a YELLOW 7 I saved from last years grow. Possible it's from my red naglah's that I've been saving for 2 seasons. I have to go back and check the marker.
Either way this pepper is ferocious, The heat had the Reaper delay and after a minute I had some bad stomach cramping going on. (Definetely Should not have tasted after dinner and a few stomach crunches.)  The plan was to just cut her open for the seeds but that urge to burn overtook me again.  The familar comments starting coming from my wife and daughter- "Are you OK dad?" "If you gonna throw up , I'm outa here" and predictably from my Loving wife shaking her head- "You're an idiot" Why do you keep doing this to yourself"
I probably can spare a few seeds if anyone is interested later on. Just pm me. Swap is always cool too.

Nice looking pod. How was the taste? Was your plant real peoductive?
I have a not chocolate naga brain (red)
Its a huge bush 6'+ with superb productivity.
Woah your plant sounds amazing! Taste on the above pod has a slightly sweet up front but the chinense  heat comes in  and overrides everything.