Nutrient advice

I have 1/2 my plants in hydroponic media and 1/2 in compost obviously I use 2 different nutrients I just wondering if the nutrients I am using are suitable.
I use a grow formulation at ec 1.2 at the moment(Just ran out making the last water butt up still got 100l's of reservoir) I was thinking of swapping to a bloom formulation at EC 1.4 then raising the ec to 1.8 once the plant have fully developed flowers.
Or would I be better with a dedicated chilli feed?
For the compost plants I use a soil nute grow formula at the moment again I will swap over to bloom shortly.
Does this sound all right?
My plants look very healthy (Except something has nibbled leaves, seems some form of insect or possibly a caterpiller (I did find one in the tent on a chilli plant) I would like to keep them that way.
My start EC is ~ 0.4 I aim for a ph of 5.8-6.2 (Normally I set it around 5.8 and find after several days of aeration the reservoir rises to about 6.1 where it stabilises)
This is my first time growing chillies hydroponically but not growing hydroponically obviously.
Vertically Challenged
It is just as appropriate to change fertilizers based on the stage of development of a plant whether it is in the ground or hydroponically grown. First a very mild root stimulant, then something to help with foliage growth, the bloom and production. Just keep in mind that once production kicks in, it's an absolute must to give chiles (and tomatoes) magnesium and calcium to help prevent blossom end rot. Sounds like you are doing the right things.
I keep the same NPK ratio all the time for every stage. I have quite a bit of data and changing ratio makes no appreciable change in anything I can measure.