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contest October ideas

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so, are any pics of peppers and ta-ta's guaranteed votes, and the hotter the pepper and the larger the ta-ta's a bonus?

OK- it's the calm before the storm.............~~~~~~
So...when exactly is the Octoberfest "storm"? I'm getting some ideas...but if it's this weekend, I'm too late. Are the "rules" still the same?
I'll wrap mine in bacon if you will...
you'll wrap your tata's in bacon or we tawlin' 'bout sumtin totally different?

I'll wrap my taytah's in bacon if you will!

[this is where I usually get in trouble and should be posting in the dc thread~~~ ;)]

it will start sometime Friday Oct 7th, it's up to The Boss when he posts the "begin" post and will go until sometime Sunday. You should have a general idea of the challenge from the discussions so far. The Boss will post the final rules, they change for every challenge but are basically the same, and usually go with what has been discussed on the forum.

So! Have your plan, but be ready to make any last minute adjustment based on what THP may write into the rules of the challenge.

Be Flexible, Inspired, GoForIt, have FUN!

It's all for fun, so enjoy it!

and Kick some Bhutty!!!! YEEEEHaw!!!!
Snausage and totz. Cook it, pic it, snark it down and flush it with beer. WIN!

im thinking pork fried tater tot pancakes, breaded with some dried home made pretzel shake and Trinidad Scorpions that Jay just sent me on top of the pork fat

then take some home made fermented kraut, and some brats, toss it on top of the cakes like a bawsss, and smother it in onion gravy
I bet most people take the easy way out. Bake a few mins, flip (sometimes) to crisp the outside, top with aerosol cheese.

...not that there's anything wrong with that.

Tots would be a great challenge!!!

Gotta put Wheebz as a front-runner, but I wouldn't mind making a run at it!!!

For now, I'm getting my leiderhosen in a bunch thinking about what I'm going to do for the Octoberfest extravaganza.
Can't do shnitzel.
Pretzels are old news.
Got some good ideas I'm not at liberty to share, but they rhyme with "Orange Cafeteria".
Aaron - I think you just announced yourself! LOL

There's no need to make a formal announcement - this is a serious competition that is all in good fun! I suggest you look at the official TD threads for a couple past months to get an idea of what goes on. In general, THP posts the official rules sometime on the first Friday of the month, then it ends whatever time on Sunday he posted in the rules. If there's a holiday around the TD weekend, he might extend it. The gist is to cook a dish that fits within the guidelines he posts, take pics and post them. Make sure you include the POL (Proof of Life) as he specifies in the pics. POL is generally a fairly small dollar amount, that is intended to prove you cooked the meal for the TD. EASY.


We're all here for fun, but we all also seem to have a pretty strong competitive streak! Hope to see you join in this weekend!
Aaron - I think you just announced yourself! LOL

There's no need to make a formal announcement - this is a serious competition that is all in good fun! I suggest you look at the official TD threads for a couple past months to get an idea of what goes on. In general, THP posts the official rules sometime on the first Friday of the month, then it ends whatever time on Sunday he posted in the rules. If there's a holiday around the TD weekend, he might extend it. The gist is to cook a dish that fits within the guidelines he posts, take pics and post them. Make sure you include the POL (Proof of Life) as he specifies in the pics. POL is generally a fairly small dollar amount, that is intended to prove you cooked the meal for the TD. EASY.


We're all here for fun, but we all also seem to have a pretty strong competitive streak! Hope to see you join in this weekend!

Geeme, thanks for that. I will check it out. You put it that way it sounds easy enough. ... or not.:)
If I can't make this TD I'll definitely do next months. As far as "small dollar amount" you talking about a receipt purchased for that weekend?
I like it, thanks for the information.
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