On the hunt. Milds.

Looking for some fun hots, milds, and bell. I have a good amount of super hots right now. I would like some fun breeds of bell and cayenne, birds beak, jalapenos, fun mild and hot crosses. Let me know what you have and we may can work something out.
I just bought a poblano the other day from the market so I have a ton of those seeds, those are as mild as can be while they're green, good for smoking, good for stuffing, and they're rather big pods. I can spare a good dozen seeds of those if you want, I have a few other milds. Someone else on here (RedtailForester I believe) hooked me up with a good variety of seeds, so I have some Spanish Paquillo (spelled wrong, I think he meant Piquillo) seeds, which on a google image search showed pretty good looking stuffed peppers, so I'm guessing they're mild as well. I can give a handful of those seeds too.

Aside from those, I have some big jim anaheims (also apparently good for stuffing), loco (not sure of heat rating), and some goat horn chili peppers (mild-medium, my grandma liked them for pickling).

That's what I have to offer, PM me with address and we can perhaps set something up. I'm looking for a few hard to find superhots, the only non-superhots I'm looking for are trinidad perfume since I hear it's citrusy and good for salsa making, and rooster spur, just because I like the way the plant would look around the garden, lol. Apparently both are hard to find on here, so I'm not expecting you to have them, I'll send you seeds either way if you have interest, but if you have something to trade, so much the better.
None of those poblano seeds will sprout because poblanos are harvested green and I think poblanos are not fully mature green. Green=immature. Immature=sterile seeds.
Those type of seeds I can get from any local lawn and garden place. I would like some varieties of serrano, ceyenne, bell, pequin, birds beak... so on and so on.
I found tons of bird beaks at a local asian market here. Fully ripe and in 1/4lb bags.

Not sure if that info helps. Still laughing because it was called "A Dong"
I have cayenne, jalapeno, and serranno. I don't know if they are "fun", they are from pods I bought off the local Amish farmers. If you haven't tried the Jimmy Nardello Sweet Italian frying pepper, it is a must grow as well. I have a few seeds of each that you are more than welcome to grow, just PM me for my address to send an SASBE. I mail back the same day the SASBE arrives, I hate waiting for anything...
