• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Overwintering in the NW

So I whacked back a load of plants, trimmed the root balls and dropped in half gallon pots to eventually bring indoors. In the meantime I am trying to get some veg as I have none on most of them..

Do I reintroduce Nitrogen in say a 10-10-10 or is there a better fertilizer for freshly cut transplants?

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Awesome Matt!  I'd say go easy on the fertilizer during the OW.  Id anything,
you might want to give 'em a little B-1, often called transplanter to help with
the transplant shock. You want the plants to sort of go dormant, although
they will put out some veg growth.  In the Spring, you can start feeding them
a little more.  There are some great OW threads on the forum, and if I remember
correctly, that is what most of them said.
I left the newer lower growth near the base of mine that came on in Sept after harvesting each plant of the pods.
I noticed yesterday a week after the transplant for OW that they looked a little droopish....I gave em some fish ferts and worm castings to help with what I assumed I was seeing from the transplant shock and whacking up the root ball.
Things look back on track today....I won't use any more ferts now until spring.
Those look pretty good....I was unsure of keeping all my branches without foilage like yours so I either trimmed them off or removed them altogether from the main stalk(I am hoping the removal from main stalk wasn't a stupid move)
The ones I did cut back a month ago are recovering nicely. I'm hoping I leave these fresh cut ones out in the south sun for a few weeks that they will veg up and recover before it's inside time. B-1 hmm gonna have to try that. I will also do one last fertilize before indoors. Little worried about using fish emulsion before they come indoors.. lots of chance for bacterial/fungal

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I applied the fish fert and castings mix at a reduced rate of only 25% of strength to a gallon of water...should be fine I hope.
What on your OW list?
Should be fine.
This year I just have Red and Yellow Habs, Scotch Bonnet, Bhuts, Fatalii, Thai, Serranos to OW. I am currently working on building a bigger seed supply for next year so I can really become a pepper freak.
What are you working with OW Masher? Got any excess seeds to share?

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My OW list is small...just 4 plants. Bhut J, Fatalli yellow, Lemon Hab (might gift the lemon Hab) Really has a bitter Chinense flavor as a raw pepper for my taste.
I only currently have Fresno and Pepperoncini seeds at the moment in bulk, and maybe a dozen seeds each of Fatalii and Bhut J.
I froze everything in pods expecting the OW's to produce next yr and din't collect seeds.
Like you, I'm building my seed collection now for 2017
Still harvesting Fatalii and Bhuts very slowly ripening pods while some leaves are rotting away. Under a Polytunnel is just barely warm enough to keep them going but moisture is a bitch.

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madlionsmith said:
Still harvesting Fatalii and Bhuts very slowly ripening pods while some leaves are rotting away. Under a Polytunnel is just barely warm enough to keep them going but moisture is a bitch.

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I have the same problem in the greenhouse.  A little space heater helps,
but may not be a solution for a polytunnel.
Hows everyone's OW plants doing? Any pics to share? Would be nice to see successfully dormant plants.

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I guess growing season is officially over.

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No OWs here, buddy - just too much to take
care of and too little space for them!
PS: Time to start planning for NorthWest ChiliFest!
Sept. 8-10 Kanaskat-Palmer  State Park in Washington!